I think that all people should realize that all the power and the light is within us.

Roberta Burico is a yoga teacher based in Italy.

Roberta Burico is a yoga teacher based in Italy.

1. What is your name and where are you based?
My name is Roberta Burico. I'm living in Italy, Rome.

2. What style of yoga do you teach? And, what are your intentions behind teaching?
I teach Hatha Yoga, in some cases with Vinyasa's elements, and Vinyasa Yoga.

In every style I like giving attention to the breath. I started teaching to share and to convey my passion. I think that Yoga can bring to a state of greater well-being, physical and mental. Since I practice Yoga my point of view has changed, it helps me to find myself and the light inside me. I think that all people should realize that all the power and the light is within us.

3. Who are your mentors?
My mentors are all around the world. I study here in Rome but I love to travel around the world and to bring my practice with me.

4. What have your mentors taught you?

I studied Yoga and medicine during my TT in Rome. I learned the importance to breathe, to free the mind and to heed inside and that Yoga is an individual practice to share without  a competition.

5. Please mention a book that you have read about yoga that has had a positive impact on you? 

L' insegnante di Yoga autor Mark Stephens. 

6. What lesson are you currently learning in your Asana practice? 

I am working on arm balancing asanas and generally in power and balance asana. I work also to feel what my body wants, day by day.

7. How often do you practice?

Every time that I can also for a little personal practice or to meditate.

8. How do you implement the other 7 limbs of yoga into your life other than Asana? 

Everyday I try to bring all Yoga limbs in my routine. I practice Pranayama and I strongly believe in Karma, so positive energy brings positive things.

We are surrounded by all energies that we transmit.

9. Why is being present so important to you? 

Only present moment really exist, we don't take our attention to past and future, and to live fully the present moment leads to a fulfilling life.

10. How can we keep up with you on social media? What is your IG handle and/ FB name?

IG account and Facebook is @Robertaburico.