Yoga to the people

‘ I want people to feel empowered.’

Alena Wertalik is a yoga teacher based in New York City.

Alena Wertalik is a yoga teacher based in New York City.

1. What style of yoga do you teach? And, where are you located?

Vinyasa and Traditional Hot (26+2) styles. I teach at all Yoga to the People and Hot On Yoga locations, but currently I am teaching virtually everywhere!

2. What is your intention behind teaching?

I want people to feel empowered to take responsibility for and even create their own experiences. I think if we work to cultivate this in our yoga practices, it can become a way of being off of our yoga mats. 

3. Who are your mentors in yoga? 

First and foremost would be the founder of YttP, Greg Gumucio. I've worked for him for over 10 years now. I also learned a lot about teaching yoga and running a yoga business from Nikki Carter. And in recent years I've been working very closely with Rose Erin Vaughan, who I respect immensely. 

4. What have they taught you? 

Greg taught me everything I know about being a leader. He taught me the difference between being strong and being tough, what it means to show up and hold space, the power of forgiveness, and a lot about love. For the most part, he taught me these things in who he has been for me as a mentor, teacher and friend. 

Nikki took me under her wing when I really wanted to teach yoga. She let me follow her around NYC to all different teachers' classes of all different styles of yoga, and let me run her studio when I was like, 22 years old. She's definitely had an influence on how I teach.

Rose Erin and I have been running teacher trainings together for the last four years. She is brilliant and humble. Working and creating with her has woken up parts of me I didn't even realize were dormant. I am grateful that she has invited me along on her journey.

5. Please mention a book that you have read about yoga that has had a positive impact on you? 

There are so many I've read through the years, it's hard to remember what things I've learned from which ones! But there is one timeless, simple book called The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran that I will always keep close to my heart. 

6. What lesson are you currently learning in your Asana practice? 

My Asana practice is an opportunity to practice ways of being I'm trying to cultivate. Right now I'm in quarantine during the Covid pandemic. It's easier to get to my yoga mat, but harder to hold myself accountable to be in my practice. So I'd say right now, I'm working on integrity in my practice. 

7. How often do you practice? 

It depends. When TT is not happening, sometimes I practice every day. When TT is going on, it's much less. But I also notice that when I practice less, I practice more fully, and cherish every moment and sensation.

8. How do you implement the other 7 limbs of yoga into your life other than Asana? 

This is a big question! I do notice a difference when I regularly practice mantra and pranayama, but I still have not managed to make it part of my daily routine. When I'm being hurtful or untruthful, I am aware of it and when I see it I will take responsibility for it and do my best to make things right. I think if you study and practice the limbs from a place of understanding why they are there, they can make a difference in how you live your life. 

9. Why is being present so important to you? 

Our lives are ruled by time. We live so much in the past and in the future, forwards and backwards. We become linear. However, when we are truly present, we don't go forwards and backwards... we go deeper. We get quiet. We get to tap into a way of being that is important to be able to tap into. 

10. How can we keep up with you on social media? What is your IG handle and/ FB name?


Kristen Sweeney expands on her yogic inspiration.

I am so grateful to know this woman and yoga teacher, Kristen Sweeney. I have taken many of her classes and it is apparent that she is a great yoga teacher. She has a passion, yearning and love for yoga.  

And, let's find out why...




1. How long have you been teaching?

Since 2011.


2. What motivated you to start teaching and what have you learnt from teaching?

I knew I wanted to start teaching after I had been practicing hot yoga (Bikram) about a year. I considered doing the Bikram training but opted for vinyasa instead. At the time, I was an actor living in NYC. In between acting jobs, I was making money as a caterer, personal assistant, receptionist, restaurant host, etc. None of these things were particularly fulfilling, and the highs of booking those acting gigs weren't sustaining me through the in-between times. I wanted to teach yoga because I realized that it would be something I could that would be rewarding and fulfilling every single day. Becoming a teacher has taught me a lot. It's called me to step up to the responsibility of caring for the students in my room. It's pushed me to learn more about yoga in every aspect, from anatomy to philosophy. Probably the most important lesson I've learned as a teacher is the value of living yoga when I'm not in a class (I think of that as the practice of living).


3. What is something that you have learnt from a fellow teacher?

So much! There have been teachers who illustrated creative class sequencing that inspires me to mix things up and innovate, and teachers who really lead by example when it comes to letting go of your ego, and so many teachers along the way who inspire me with their commitment and dedication to their practice, however that manifests for them.


4. How many times a week do you practice?

I try to get my butt to an actual class 4 times a week. I move my body, connect to my breath, and ground myself in the present every day, so I guess it depends on your definition.


5. Who inspires your practice?

Students, hands down.


6. Why is it necessary for you to practice? Oh, I get so cranky if I don't practice regularly! :) For me, practicing yoga has a funny way of bending time. So if I think I'm too busy to get to class, but I go anyway, it seems like everything I had to do rearranges itself to all get done with plenty of time. Yoga makes me calmer, happier, and healthier.


7. What message do you like to spread through teaching?

That the practice of yoga goes beyond the mat, and is really a practice of living.


8. Where are you currently teaching? I am in the Boston area, teaching at: Coolidge Corner/Sadhana Yoga, JP Centre Yoga, Om Births, and Healing Tree Yoga.


9. How has yoga helped your character develop?

It's forced me to be more honest with myself, more aware of my habits and patterns, and more willing to sit with being uncomfortable during periods of change.


10.What has kept you practicing all these years?

Yoga is really the bedrock of my life. It's the foundation that informs and supports who I am.


11. How do you take use yoga practice in your daily stressful life? When my mind is starting to spiral out into unhelpful thought patterns, I get into my body. When I feel overwhelmed, I pause and take some breaths. When I'm making decisions, I'm guided by the principles of truth, honesty, and integrity.


12. What is your Instagram, Twitter and Facebook name?  Instagram: @edgeofthemat, Facebook: /edgeofthemat and for teachers, I have a Facebook group called "Yoga Teachers Who Mean Business"