hot 8 yoga

‘We do have control over what is happening right now.’


Natalie Costello is a yoga teacher and photographer based out of L.A. 


 1. What style of yoga do you teach?

Sculpt and soon to be Yin!

2. What is your intention behind teaching?

To clear the head by staying present, connecting to the mind and body through breath, movement, and holding postures for quite some time.


3. What have your mentors taught you?

How to be a smart teacher, create a safe/efficient sequence, walk with intention around the room, have precise cues, modify/adjust clients, create themes for class, have personality, connection with everyone, and how to project the voice over the music. I could go on forever!


4. Please mention a book that you have read about yoga that has had a positive impact on you?

Eastern Body, Western Mind. It helped me have a deeper understanding of the chakras and how to apply it during practice.


5. What lesson are you currently learning in your Asana practice?

Various ways to do one pose or modify. The benefits of each pose along with the meridians they target. 


6.How often do you practice?

4-5 days a week.


7. How do you implement the other 7 limbs of yoga into your life other than Asana?


I bring Yama by helping others as much as possible, spending time with them and listening. I bring integrity into my work life and want the best for everyone.

I practice Niyama by going on long hikes, meditating, and nourishing myself with food specific for my body and reading books that lead to self improvement. I keep my work and home environment clean so I wake up to a fresh start each morning having a glass of water with my phone off to stay grounded and calm the mind.

I practice Pranayama through yoga especially in a yin class. Here, the teacher constantly reminds me to focus on my breath and to control it while I completely relax my muscles.

I practice Pratyahara by limiting my intake of coffee and learning how to be alone to focus on my inner self.

I practice Dharana by resting without falling asleep. It calms my mind, and allows me to not focus on anything.

I practice Samadhi everyday by doing all the limbs of yoga. It’s a lifelong practice.


8. Why is being present so important to you?

Because I am truly living my life in the present. Focusing on the past or future can bring anxiety or depression. We have no control over it. We do have control over what is happening right now. 


9. How can we keep up with you on social media? What is your IG handle and/ FB name?


Be inspired by Yancy Scwartz...

There is no doubt that Yancy, who some may know as 'Scotty', Scwartz is a true yogi. By true, I mean that he has learnt to detach the Ego from his teaching and practice. 

Let his inspirational words inspire you:

1. How long have you been teaching?

Since 2008


2. What motivated you to start teaching and what have you learnt from teaching?

It just kinda fell into place. The more I wanted to practice, the more I wanted to teach. I learned how to be more compassionate to others through teaching. Whatever I teach, I'd better be doing because it makes the teaching authentic. People know and feel what's real and what's not. 


3. What is something that you have learnt from a fellow teacher?

I learned how to say less from my Dharma teachers. 


4. How many times a week do you practice?

My main practice is a specific mantra and pranayama routine sitting in lotus. That happens 5 days a week. Physical asana I do everyday for fun. 


5. Who inspires your practice?

My friends, the people around me. 


6. Why is it necessary to you to practice?

Because it will help spread consciousness and awareness. With that consciousness and awareness I can walk around more liberated. 


7. What message do you like to spread through teaching?

Stimulate your sixth sense and tap into your higher self. Operating from your higher self is a peaceful and compassionate place to be. 


8. Where are you currently teaching? 

Sweat Yoga, Hot 8 Yoga Santa Monica, Create Yoga and Hollywood Power Yoga 


9. How has skateboarding been a part of your yogic journey? 

It's a catalyst because you are constantly using your legs, so that takes care of your lower body. Yoga is a lot of upper body. So you spread awareness, consciousness through your lower body, your upper body. Once you master your body you can go beyond it. To skateboard you must be fully present like in yoga except in skateboarding if you are not present the consequences are a lot greater. 


9. Has yoga helped you through something that you struggled with? If so, what and how?

I've broken my wrist and foot skateboarding, and yoga has helped me recover. Yoga has helped me to not feel limited. Little by little yoga can help you rebuild and work past certain injuries. 


10. What has kept you practicing?

It's my dharma. I teach, so I must practice so I am always in the students position. Its a prerequisite for the job.

Follow him on Instagram: @yancyscotschartz Visit his website: