
How to take care of oily skin

The last article that we published on skincare, was about dealing with dry skin. 

This week, we reveal ways to take care of oily skin.

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Image by Getty Images


Seborrhea is the clinical term for excessively oily skin. Acne is usually a result of oily skin, with the combination of lack of sufficient skincare and hygiene. 

Many people have acne and it is said to be one of the worst skin conditions as it becomes almost viral and, can infect most of your face once you start developing it because bacteria spreads rapidly. 


If you have acne and oily skin, please apply these skin habits to your skin and watch your skin decrease the amount of oil it has, clear up and glow in 28 days. (Remember, that skin cells replenish in a month.)



1. Drink more water

I often find myself repeating this over and over; however, it is true. As a skin specialist, I recommend drinking more water as, oily skin in most cases- unless you have an autoimmune skin disorder- is caused by having dry skin. It sounds crazy, I know. However, if your skin has been dry for a long period of time, it will become oily as a way for your skin cells to stay moisturized. Drinking at least 1.5 litres of water a day will help you internally re-hydrate the cells of your skin, resulting in less production of oil on your skin.


2. Use products that contain Tea Tree oil. 

Tea Tree oil has been used for centuries to treat skin conditions, particularly acne-prone skin. What is so great about Tea Tree oil, also known as  Melaleuca alternifolia, is that it is anti-viral and anti-bacterial. It is able to counteract acne because acne is a bacteria that grows on your skin and spreads rapidly. A healthy clean diet and water helps, however, bacteria needs an anti-bacterial to decrease it's growth. Tea Tree oil is great because it is a natural oil that is not extreme, like some of these other acne medications. 


3. Exercise and eat less sugar and oily foods.

The body is a beautiful and smart machine. What you put into it, you will get back. If you have oily skin, I recommend laying off of sugary drinks, unhealthy snacks and foods with saturated fats. Many studies have directly linked acne to excess sugar and dairy consumption. In addition, it is important to exercise for clear skin because as you exercise, you flush out excess toxins and oils that can create skin problems.


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4 Dos and DONTs about skincare


I get asked so many questions about skincare and skin. To be honest, I entered into the skincare industry, as the owner and CEO of KindGirlco., because of my love of the human body. 

A lot of feedback that I have gotten is that there is little-to-no information on the skin, which is why I went back to school to study skincare. I wanted to find out more about the skincare industry and what these products are doing to our skin. 

These are just a few things that I would like to share with you:


1. DO wash your face in the morning and at night.

Regardless of recent evidence that has shown that it is better to keep your makeup or grime on at the end of the night, to avoid drying out your skin, I highly recommend washing any unwanted toxins off your face when you wake up and before you go to sleep. You don't want any bacteria or germs to interfere with your skin cellular reformation. 


2. DON'T use products that have many ingredients in them. 

Just like with anything else, you want to simplify what you put on your skin. I see what I put on my as skin food and, just like food that we eat, the simpler food we eat, the better. That's why in our product line, we don't more than 5 ingredients in our products. This also reduces your chances of having an allergy breakout and, if you do, you are more likely to figure out what caused it. Scientific evidence has also shown that simpler product lines promote skin cellular growth because the nutrients are absorbed better into the skin.


3. DO use oil based products. 

One of the reasons why I got involved in skincare is because I had developed eczema and rosacea. I am also a hot yoga teacher and needed to wash twice a day- this, I thought was drying out my skin. However, after my studies, I found out that it was the products I was using that were drying out my skin. I had been using products that were water-based- which is not hydrating on the skin. Water, H2O, is great for internal moisture but not for external moisture.


4. DON'T confuse natural for organic. 

I am a firm-believer in organics, particularly with skincare, as what we put on our skin is absorbed into our bloodstream. Unfortunately in the US, there is no regulation on natural so it can mean anything. However, once a product is labelled organic, it must be organic. Meaning that it has seen only 2% chemical processing, if any at all. Even if it doesn't have certified organic; if it is labeled as such, it must be organic. Simplify what you put on your skin by choosing organic.

See for more information on their organic skincare line.