
I have hope that I will find true love and respect. April 2022. Final edition.

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I have hope that I will find true love and respect.

She has evolved past any hurt and pain.

I have hope that I will find true love and respect.

She wakes up grateful that she has another day to live.

I have hope that I will find true love and respect.

She has so much to offer herself and those around her.

I have hope that I will find true love and respect.

She lives in the present but also acknowledges the opportunities the future can bring.

I have hope that I will find true love and respect.

She is open to people and embraces connection.

I have hope that I will find true love and respect.

She has put up boundaries that protect her inner light.

I have hope that I will find true love and respect.

She listens to her intuition and will never stop dreaming or being aspirational.

I have hope that I will find true love and respect.

She looks at me the mirror and believes in the person who is in front of her.

I have hope that I will find true love and respect.

She is done looking outside of her fulfillment and acknowledges the power within her.

I have hope that I will find true love and respect.

She is at peace with who she is while still growing and evolving.

I have hope that I will find true love and respect- March 2022.

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I have hope that I will find true love and respect.

He is in the form of someone that I can trust.

I have hope that I will find true love and respect.

He makes as much of an effort as I do.

I have hope that I will find true love and respect.

He has clear communication and understanding.

I have hope that I will find true love and respect.

He is emotionally and physically available to be in a healthy relationship.

I have hope that I will find true love and respect.

He is free of any baggage from his past.

3 Redefinitions of unconditional love.

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Image from Unsplash

Like most of us, I was raised in a household of conditions disguised as discipline and claiming to want the best for me. After years of therapy, relationships and applying what I have learnt towards life, I have learnt how detrimental conditional love is to anyone. It’s the kind of love that if you do for me, I love you and if you don’t, I hate you. It’s the kind of love that holds onto secrets and withholds the truth because we are afraid that if we are honest, we won’t be loved anymore. 

I am grateful for every experience and I carry that same energy to my upbringing. I have been able to learn that love doesn’t start when I disagree with someone, that is when it begins. I haven’t always been the master of it and I am still learning this notion. But one quote about unconditional love by Maya Angelou has always stuck with me. It is, ‘Love liberates. It doesn’t hold. I love you whether you are in Tokyo or next to me.’ 

This doesn’t mean that I have to accept your behaviour or have you in my life to love you. Sometimes people are meant to be loved from afar. 

Here are 3 redefinitions of unconditional love: 

1. You are who you are meant to be, not by success standards but in creation. 

I am a woman and as one, I can see that we have a lot to work on. Particularly about the need to make others just like us, or else we will not accept it. I noticed that I did this with a long-term relationship I was in with someone who was going through a divorce. I felt like he had to be in my life and act exactly how I needed him to, or I wouldn’t love him. I was loving him with conditions. 

One day, I was crying in a park and wondering why he didn’t love me and having this deep need for him to love me. It hurt so much. I looked at a tree so peaceful and serene, and understood that I was creating my own suffering. I developed a thought in my mind that he will be who he is and I will always love him but I don’t have to hate him. It has taken years of practicing this about him but today I can say that I think so fondly of him and I wish him the best with his life. He doesn’t have to be in my life to love him. I love him anyway. 

2. I am not the authority on how someone should live their life. 

I have a secret fear of having children and raising them to think like me or I won’t love them, like I have been shown. I believe in individualism. I had a thought the other day that many parents run houses as the authority, which would appear to be correct. However, in that thinking, we can stifle a child’s potential. 

Being a parent is not easy and I think one of the most challenging things to accept is that your child appears to be an extension of you but isn’t. They are their own person. We can teach our children our own ideals but, ultimately, it is up to them to learn and grow for themself. When we want people to think and act like us for our love, that is conditional love. Unconditional love says you think the way you do, you act the way that you want and you do what you want to do but I still love you. I don’t have to force you to be like me because I might not know everything and you might not either. 

3. ‘Love is unconditional but relationships have conditions.’ 

I heard this quote this morning and I couldn’t agree more. I have recently decided to let go of some people in my life because I don’t feel like they are healthy for the growth and perpetuate the idea of one-sided communication. It is okay to have boundaries and once those are infringed upon, it is okay to no longer have that person if your life.’ But they deserve the benefit of the doubt beforehand and if you have tried and it doesn’t work, then free yourself of that situation. 

Love is not a contract based on what you think, what you like or how you behave. A lot of people that I love I have many differences with. Some people I love I haven’t spoken to in years but that doesn’t mean that we need to be close to one another and force a fake relationship. We can love people and say that they are not healthy or good for us. Just because conditions are not set on love does not mean that they are not set for relationships. There is no need to be in a situation with someone who doesn’t respect you but there is no need to hate them either. 

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The 3 Biggest mistakes that I have made about my Soulmate.

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Ever since I was a kid, I would watch movies about the girl or woman who was lost and a man would come in to her life and make her whole. Not sure if this has had an impact on how I view relationships or my subconscious already had this thinking but, I (too) have spent a lot of time hoping and waiting for someone else to complete me. I would fantasize about my Happily Ever After. 

I would dream of the day when the perfect man would come into my life and remind me of who I was, why I was on this Earth and I would do the same for them. So, while my friends in High School were dating guys my age and entering solid relationships, I was waiting on the day when I left school so that I could begin my search for the man who was going to be my everything. 

 I grew up mostly in South Africa and, before I left to The U.S.A., I would visualize this perfect guy. I dreamt of all American guy who was well-known, had a lot of money, who was kind, compassionate and done with that way of life. I have always dreamed big.

I was 19 when I moved to New York and my naïveté took a while to chip away at; regardless of what I went through. Yes, after every relationship, I would learn and grow but in the back of my head, I was waiting on someone else to come and relieve me. It was only until I ended a long-term relationship with an older man, in 2012, did I start to understand that I am the only one who can make me whole. 

8 years later and I am done searching for my soulmate. I understand and truly know that I am the only one who will make me whole and it is up to me to be my own saviour. 

Here are 3 big mistakes that I used to make about my soulmate: 

1. Romance and passion are the foundation for a perfect relationship. 

I used to think that being romantic, spontaneous and passionate were the perfect foundation for a healthy relationship. This thinking has created many memories, yes! However, it has caused a lot of heart ache and suppression of my intuition. 

Last Summer, I ended a relationship with the most romantic and passionate person that I know. He used this as a means to manipulate me, gaslight me and mentally abuse me. I learnt to listen to my intuition because I always knew that his intentions weren’t true even though he would tell me that he was my Soulmate. 

I am done with the idea that Soulmates manipulate us and make our lives hell because of a cosmic connection. The Universe wants us to be at peace and to love ourselves. So, if that means letting go of someone who claims to be my Soulmate but brings turmoil and toxicity into my life, then so be it. 

2. I am not a ride or die. I am a thrive and grow. 

I spent many years thinking that my Soulmate relationship should be tiring, use me up and not easy. So much so, that I would allow behaviour from men who I believed to be my Soulmate that I wouldn’t from others. 

An example of this is when my former partner would disappear and I wouldn’t hear from him for two weeks, only for him to return to me and project his behaviour onto me by saying things like, ‘What do you expect from me?’ Whenever I would end our relationship, he would follow me, stalk and apologize for his behaviour- so I felt obliged to stay because I was holding onto his potential. Which is not real. 

I know now that I don’t have to suffer in love. A Soulmate is a companion who wants the best for me as much as I do for them. Not someone who puts me through hell and then expects me to stick around. 

3. It’s not on me to make up someone else’s behaviour. 

As a child of divorce, I have lived with a burden to want to do everything that I can in relationships and have often done and given more 

than my partner so that we didn’t separate. It sounds desperate but I am a very loyal person with a big heart and often times, my personality tends to fall for those who need me because I like to feel needed. 

I have had to learn that there is a difference between a healthy relationship and doing charity. The two cannot exist in a relationship that is sustainable. I believe in devotion, kindness, loyalty and well-being; I can’t be the only one doing it in the relationship. It is not fair to me and the person that I am in a relationship with if I see them as less than me and allow to do less. 

My Soulmate is my equal. Not financially and physically but someone who is working just as hard as I am to be the best version of themself. Someone who is kind, respectful, grows, says sorry, let’s me in and reminds me of why we are together in the first place. 

3 Cosas más importantes que aprendí sobre las citas en mis 20 años.

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Acabo de cumplir 31 años y, al contrario de lo que pensaba cuando era más joven, mi vida ha resultado increíble y estoy eternamente agradecida. Anteriormente mencioné cómo pensé que tener hijos y ser esposa ha sido una prioridad; Sin embargo, el universo me ha enviado lecciones para enseñarme que no es mi éxito final.

Ser padre y pareja es maravilloso, sí. Pero, tuve que aprender que necesito realizarme a mí mismo en lugar de jugar un papel para demostrar mi valía. Desde que tenía 12 años o un poco más joven, siempre he sabido que quiero ser madre. Soñaba con tener 6 hijos y la gente bromeaba diciendo que debería casarme con un contador, lo tenía en mente y cuando comencé a salir, solo salía con hombres que tuvieron éxito para poder cumplir mi sueño.

Cuanto más mencioné mi deseo de tener un montón de hijos, más me cansaría de las proyecciones de otras personas sobre cómo debería ser mi futuro. Estas proyecciones nublaron mi vida amorosa porque en lugar de buscar una pareja, estaba buscando a alguien en mi vida que se viera bien en el papel, olvidando que la persona con la que quiero estar es una extensión de felicidad y alegría.

Aquí hay 3 cosas que las citas en mis 20 años me han enseñado:

1. No tengo que ser una esposa para ser feliz.

Vengo de una familia de divorciados y, aunque cada familia tiene sus problemas, hay algo que les sucede a los hijos del divorcio que es único. Pasé por dos fases para acercarme a la vida familiar: no necesito una pareja para tener hijos y necesito casarme con la persona perfecta para que mi matrimonio no se desmorone. Esta presión solía llevarla profundamente y buscaría socios que parecieran perfectos en el papel, incluso si no estuvieran disponibles emocional o físicamente porque había desarrollado la creencia de que el dinero y la estructura mantienen unida a la familia. Sí, la razón número uno para el divorcio es el dinero; sin embargo, no hay unión entre dos personas si no hay respeto, amabilidad y amor mutuo.

2. Yo me elijo.

Acabo de dejar ir una situación con un chico maravilloso. Es una persona hermosa por dentro y por fuera; sin embargo, él no está emocional o físicamente disponible para darme lo que quiero. Cuando era más joven, sentía que tenía que ser mártir y sacrificar mi sangre y sudor. Tenía la creencia de que una mujer debería dar más que un hombre y, para ser la esposa potencial perfecta, no debía expresar ni expresar mis preocupaciones. Podría pasar mi tiempo culpando a la sociedad y por qué desarrollé estos sistemas de creencias en primer lugar. Sin embargo, es mi vida y tengo que asumir la responsabilidad de lo que quiero en ella. Quiero y merezco un socio que esté listo y capaz de comprometerse, así que depende de mí crear límites para que esto sea factible.

3. Siempre puedo decir que no.

Honestamente, me he metido en algunas relaciones que duraron mucho más de lo que deberían porque tenía demasiado miedo de ser el único en decir que no. En el fondo de mi cabeza, siempre me preguntaría si me arrepiento de haber dicho que sí. Siempre he sentido la necesidad de ser optimista siempre, aunque sea a mi costa. Especialmente como profesora de yoga y profesional del bienestar, pasamos mucho tiempo enfocándonos en sí. Sin embargo, olvidamos enfatizar la importancia de decir a veces no.

Nada es blanco y negro y la experiencia de vida de cada persona es diferente. Sin embargo, ninguno de nosotros debería sentirse obligado a decir algo que sea falso por miedo a no obtener lo que queremos. He aprendido y creo firmemente que todo lo que es para mí, me encontrará. Si trabajo lo suficiente, amo lo suficiente y lo doy todo, he hecho todo lo que puedo. Se me permite crear límites y cuidar mi bienestar y, a veces, eso significa decir que no.

3 Important things that I learnt about dating in my 20s.

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I just turned 31 years old and contrary to what I had thought when I was younger, my life has turned out amazingly and I am forever grateful. I have previously mentioned how I thought that having kids and being a wife has been a priority; however, the universe has sent me lessons to teach me that it is not my ultimate success. Being a parent and partner is wonderful, yes. But, I had to learn that I need to fulfill myself instead of playing a role to prove my worthiness. 

Since I was 12 or a little younger, I have always known that I want to be a Mother. I dreamt of having 6 kids and people would joke that I should marry an accountant, I kept that in the back of my mind and when I started dating, I only dated men who were successful so that I could fulfill my dream. The more that I mentioned my wish of having a bunch of children, the more that I would get jaded with other people’s projections about what my future should look like. 

These projections clouded my dating life because instead of looking for a partner, I was searching for someone in my life who looked good on paper- forgetting that the person that I want to be with, is an extension of happiness and joy. 

Here are 3 things that dating in my 20s has taught me: 

1. I don’t have to be a wife to be happy. 

I come from a family of divorce and, although every family has it’s issues, there is something that happens to children of divorce that is unique. I went through two phases of approaching family life:I don’t need a partner to have kids and, I need to marry the perfect person so that my marriage doesn’t crumble apart. This pressure I used to carry deeply and would seek out partners who seemed perfect on paper- even if they weren’t emotionally or physically available because I had developed a belief that money and structure keeps a family together. 

Yes, the number one reason for divorce is money; however, there is no union between two people if there is no respect, kindness and love for one another. 

2. I choose me. 

I just let go of a situation with a wonderful guy. He is a beautiful person inside and out; however, he is not emotionally or physically available to give me what I want. When I was younger, I felt like I had to be a martyr and to sacrifice my blood and sweat. I had these beliefs that a woman should give more than a man and, that to be the perfect potential wife, I shouldn’t voice or express my concerns. 

I could spend my time blaming society and why I developed these belief systems in the first place. However, it is my life and I need to take responsibility for what I want in it. I want and deserve a partner who is ready and able to commit so it is up to me to create boundaries so that this is is feasible. 

3. I can always say no. 

Honestly, I have gotten into some relationships that lasted way longer than they should have because I was too afraid of being the one to say no. In the back of my head, I would always wonder if I regret saying yes. I have felt a continual thread of needing to be optimistic always, even if it is at my expense.

Especially as a yoga teacher and wellness professional, we spend a lot of time focusing on yes. However, we forget to emphasize the importance of sometimes saying no. Nothing is black&white and, everyone’s life experience is different. However, none of us should feel forced to say something that is false for fear of not getting what we want. I have learnt and firmly believe that everything that is for me, will find me. If I work hard enough, love enough and give my all, I have done everything that I can. I am allowed to create boundaries and take care of my well-being and sometimes that means saying no. 

I have hope that I will find true love and respect- 2/23/2020

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I have hope that I will find true love and respect. 

He is emotionally and physically available to be in a relationship with me. 

I have hope that I will find true love and respect. 

He is upfront and honest with his feelings about me. 

I have hope that I will find true love and respect. 

I will not need to feel like a martyr and as though I am giving more than I receive. Our love is reciprocal. 

I have hope that I will find true love and respect. 

A bond where commitment and union takes precedent over anything else. 

I have hope that I will true love and respect. 

A partnership that I won’t have to guess how my partner feels, we assure one another. 

I have hope that I will find true love and respect. 

We choose each other daily without secrets and embrace honesty. 

I have hope that I will find true love and respect. 

He has used his past as a way to transform and enlighten himself and those around him. 

I have hope that I will find true love and respect. 

He embraces me and lets me know when he is going through something that is challenging him because I can’t read minds and shouldn’t have to. 

I have hope that I will find true love and respect. We embrace one another with honesty, trust and commitment

Now that there is you, B.

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Now that there is you

I understand why I had to learn what I have learnt to have compassion and appreciation for you. 

You are a blessing that I would never want to change, alter or make into something or someone else. 

You have so much love and energy. I feel grateful to be in your presence and in your space. 

Your kindness, love and generosity influences me to want to embody these characteristics more. 

We’ve come a long way and I hope we have more to go because we are deeply connected. 

Now that there is you, 

I don’t need to pretend to be okay, pretend to have found the perfect one, act like I am happy when so much is missing. Because this is real and abundant with what I have always wanted.

I have hope that I will find true love and respect.

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Image from Unsplash

I have hope that I will find true love and respect. 

His actions speak louder than his words. 

I have hope that I will find true love and respect. 

He enjoys the journey of healing (just like I) and is willing to work for it. 

I have hope that I will find true love and respect. 

He practices what he preaches. 

I have hope that I will find true love and respect. 

He has chosen, just like I have, to leave behind the old idea of partnership and chooses a new one based on equality and kindness. 

I have hope that I will find true love and respect. 

He has left the need and addiction for drama behind him and has chosen to be at peace. 

I have hope that I will find true love and respect. 

He comes with his heart in his hand because he understands that no one should have to work for love. 

I have hope that I will find true love and respect. 

He knows that I don’t owe him anything. What I give to him is out of choice, vice versa. So we choose actions towards one another wisely. 

I have hope that I will find true love and respect. 

He admires peace, understands his partner’s worth and thinks highly of growth. 

I have hope that I will find true love and respect. We hold hands together and promise to elevate each other’s lives, no matter what comes our way. 

Lo que desearía haber sabido antes de salir con un narcisista.

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Hace un mes, corté a mi ex novio. Había llegado al punto en que ya no podía tenerlo en mi vida. A pesar de que habíamos estado separados por casi seis meses y había dejado mi relación, estaba claro que él todavía quería volver a ser mi compañero. Y haría "cualquier cosa" (como lo expresó) para que esto suceda.

Una vez que corté los lazos con él, prometí no hablar más de él ni nada más que las muchas lecciones que aprendí de lo que tuvimos juntos. Ingenuamente pensé que él lo entendería, pero había olvidado que mi ex pareja tenía tendencias narcisistas. De hecho, creo que es un narcisista. * Consulte mi artículo sobre enamorarse de un narcisista en nuestra sección de amor.

A medida que avanzo con mi vida, él está haciendo todo lo que está en su poder para mantenerme involucrado en su vida y su paradero. Sin embargo, como un verdadero Acuario, cuando he pasado de una relación romántica, no hay vuelta atrás.

Sé que no puedo retroceder el reloj, no quisiera. Y prometí no hablar de eso. Sin embargo, creo que debo transmitir esta información a alguien que la necesita.

Aquí hay 3 cosas que desearía haber sabido antes de salir con un narcisista:

1. El amor no es una competencia o una pelea.

Soy una persona muy competitiva y creo en dar lo mejor de mí; Sin embargo, algunas situaciones no son sobre ganar o perder. Especialmente cuando se trata de amar. Cuando comencé a salir con mi ex pareja, él me dijo que me convencería. Pensé que era peculiar porque no estaba interesado en nadie más. Pero, pensó y creyó lo contrario. Si no estaba peleando con alguien que creía que estaba interesado en mí, me pelearía por mi libertad y me preguntaría agresivamente dónde había estado cuando no lo había visto en unas pocas horas. Noté un profundo deseo en él de ganar a toda costa, incluso si eso significaba pelear conmigo en el proceso. Hasta el día de hoy, él todavía está en guerra conmigo y la decisión que he tomado de no estar más con él. Pero eso no es amor verdadero. El amor puro comprende y reconoce que si alguien está hecho para ti, no tendrás que luchar por ello. Proponer esfuerzo y luchar son dos cosas diferentes.

2. Las acciones hablan más que las palabras.

Aunque he escuchado esto decir más de una docena de veces, es difícil comprender lo que realmente significa. En una cultura que pone el romance en un pedestal, es difícil entender si alguien está siendo auténtico en lo que dice o si es para mostrar. Pensé que mi ex estaba presentando acciones por sus gestos grandiosos: escribir canciones sobre mí, publicar carteles publicitarios y proclamar cómo no podría vivir sin mí. Poco sabía, no tenía intención de esforzarse porque eso significaría hacer algo que no giraba en torno a él. Y, con los narcisistas, su mundo se trata de ellos mismos.

Me cansé de escuchar la misma historia de cómo cambiaría, iría a terapia y seguiría adelante con su comportamiento egoísta. Al final, entendí que vale la pena para él y su éxito vivir la vida que él está viviendo. No tuvo nada que ver conmigo.

3. No es personal.

Algunos amigos me han enviado una ruptura muy pública que tuvo con su ex novia hace una década. Anteriormente había evitado leerlo porque no me gusta juzgar a las personas en función de su pasado; Sin embargo, mucho de lo que ella dice que le sucedió es lo que él está tratando de hacerme actualmente. Está difundiendo palabras negativas sobre mi personaje, lo que le hice e incluso me ha deseado la muerte. ¡Suena dramático, lo sé! Porque los narcisistas no pueden manejar el rechazo. He decidido tomar lo bueno y seguir adelante independientemente. Su comportamiento no se trata de mí y si se lo devuelvo, pareceré más loco que él. Desafortunadamente, vivimos en una sociedad en la que cuando una mujer dice su verdad, es horrible, pero cuando un hombre hace lo mismo, es su verdad. No siempre, pero la mayoría del tiempo.

He aprendido que no hay necesidad de alimentar el fuego. Él puede pensar y decirle a la gente que soy la peor persona viva, pero sé en mi corazón que soy un alma amable. Saber quién soy y lo que defiendo es protección contra cualquier forma de negatividad innecesaria.

Il m'a fallu admettre que je suis humain pour arriver jusqu'à moi.

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Il m'a fallu admettre que je suis humain pour arriver jusqu'à moi.

Il m'a fallu posséder mes regrets pour arriver jusqu'à moi.

Il m'a fallu me pardonner pour me rejoindre.

Il m'a fallu pardonner aux autres pour me rejoindre.

Il m'a fallu accepter que tout le monde n'a pas de bonnes intentions pour moi, pour arriver jusqu'à moi.

Il m'a fallu fixer des limites saines pour me rejoindre.

Il m'a fallu accepter que la chute fait partie du processus pour arriver jusqu'à moi.

Il m'a fallu me relever (encore et encore) pour me rejoindre.

Il m'a fallu choisir de croire en moi pour me rejoindre.

Il m'a fallu lâcher prise sur les gens et les choses qui correspondent à mon objectif, pour arriver jusqu'à moi.

Il m'a fallu admettre que je ne suis pas un ange pour me rejoindre.

Il m'a fallu réaliser que dans ce corps humain, mes imperfections sont une chance de grandir - de m'atteindre.

4 raisons pour lesquelles je ne détesterai pas mon ex.

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J’ai été assez ouvert sur mon bonheur d’être célibataire et sans mon ancien partenaire. Parfois, cependant, nous pouvons confondre de telles déclarations en tant que raison de haïr quelqu'un ou quelqu'un de ce monde. Mais personne ne mérite autant d’énergie et d’efforts, surtout si c’est négatif.

J'ai appris beaucoup de choses sur les relations en étant en eux et avec les gens autour de moi. Et l’une des principales choses que j’ai apprises, c’est que lorsque vous détestez quelqu'un, il contrôle votre vie. C'est certainement beaucoup plus facile à dire qu'à faire. Mais, je crois que si on me demande d’être une personne plus forte, je peux et je saurai me montrer à la hauteur de la situation.

Voici 4 raisons pour lesquelles je ne détesterai jamais mon ex:

1. La haine est le pouvoir négatif à son apogée.

C’est facile à détester. Je le sais parce que j'ai passé beaucoup de temps dans ma vie à haïr les gens pour m'avoir traité d'une certaine manière, en pensant d'une manière particulière ou juste pour être différent. Mais ce que j’ai compris à ce sujet, c’est que la seule personne qu’elle affecte vraiment est The Hater. La haine construit des murs, crée de l'animosité et de la tension. Ce que je vivrais si je décidais de le haïr. Si je crois vraiment qu'il est important d'améliorer le monde, il est de ma responsabilité de m'assurer de faire de mon mieux. Cela implique de libérer de la haine pour des personnes qui, je pense, m'ont fait du tort.

2. Il est humain.

Je crois en la transparence et mentirais si je disais que son comportement ne me gêne parfois pas. Même si ses actions envers moi sont actuellement vengeantes et en colère; Je vois encore un humain. Oui, j’ai choisi de ne pas être avec lui, mais je n’ai pas besoin de le diffamer comme il essaie de me faire mal. Son chemin est le sien; le mien est à moi. Si je réagis à son comportement avec la même énergie, je le nourris. Alors, je préférerais que ça aille de l'avant et que je continue ma vie.

3. Je suis humain.

Lorsque nous avons rompu, nous avons essayé si fort de le faire de manière pacifique parce que j'avais peur d'être considéré comme méchant ou méchant, en particulier en tant que femme. Je n’ai jamais été capable d’être ami avec aucun de mes ex et cela m’a affecté. J'avais le fardeau profond de devoir être ami avec mes anciens partenaires parce que beaucoup de personnes que je connais peuvent le faire. En l'honneur de cela, je me suis plié en quatre pour essayer d'apaiser mon récent ex parce que j'avais peur d'être mal vu. Je ne voulais pas que quelqu'un me qualifie de personne qui ne peut pas garder une relation ou rester cordiale avec la personne avec laquelle elle a passé tant de temps. Il le savait et s'en servait contre moi. C'est de l'eau sous le pont. Cependant, je comprends tout à fait que je suis humain et que je ne dois pas toujours être vu sous le meilleur jour. Je dois prendre la bonne décision pour moi et pour ma santé, que cela plaise ou non. Je suis d'accord avec les gens qui me jugent parce que je ne suis qu'un humain et que je ne vivrai pas selon les normes des autres, je ne suis pas censé le faire.

4. La haine c'est créer des liens.

Si j'en ai vraiment fini avec mon ancienne relation, il n'y a plus de raison de la conserver. Ce n’est pas tous les jours que l’on pense à la pêche et au rose lorsque je pense à lui, surtout quand on voit combien il a pour moi de négativité à l’heure actuelle parce que j’entends des chansons qu’il a écrites sur moi et qui jouent fréquemment. Je ne suis pas une victime; Je peux ressentir ce que j'ai besoin de ressentir et avancer ensuite dans la paix car lorsque nous nous sentons extrêmement passionnés (de manière positive ou négative), nous restons liés à cette personne. J'ai choisi de le relâcher quoi qu'il puisse dire ou faire, car le passé ne vaut pas la peine d'être lié.

I fell in love with a narcissist and these are 3 things that I learnt from my experience.

Image from Unsplash

Image from Unsplash

If someone had told me that I would’ve fallen in love with a narcissist, I would tell them that it was not possible and refuse to believe them. So, when I did fall in love with one, it felt like I was going crazy.

*According to the traditional dictionary, a narcissist is a person who is overly self-involved, often vain and selfish.

All the red flags were there; however, I ignored them because I didn’t want to believe that I was dumb enough or someone else could be manipulative enough to have the characteristics that he had. And, the worst part is that the class narcissistic traits didn’t show up in the beginning, they unfolded during our relationship. Until, I mustered every ounce of strength within me to move on from him and his toxic behaviour.
Now that I have let that relationship go, it is clear to me what happened and I can see that I was in love with a narcissist.

Here are 3 Things that I learnt from the experience:

1. The real thing is worth waiting for.

As a classic narcissist, this man would tell me everything that I wanted to hear. When we met, I had just moved to Los Angeles and had admired his music. I manifested meeting him and when we met, he made it known that he wanted to be with me. I was apprehensive because I didn’t want to be with another person who was famous (I had dated a well-known person before), and I also had a lot of issues with how he treated women. His music videos were bombarded with naked women and I became embarrassed of what my family would think if I dated (or even) married him.

I resisted being in a relationship with him and as a result, he would follow me and make sure that his presence was known. He put up billboards near where I frequented, got people to play songs that he had written about me around me and would mimic my behaviour about wellness so that I would think he was a person who was evolving and working on himself. He portrayed an image to me of someone who I would consider giving a chance to have in my life. As his mask began to crumble, I noticed his inauthenticity and that he was putting on a façade so that I wouldn’t leave our relationship. The only problem is that he wasn’t being authentic. Who he presented himself to me as was a different person to who he actually was, I started to figure this out.

This taught me that the person who is worthy of being with will take time. If someone wants to shower you with love and what you want to hear, they might be avoiding revealing a big part of themselves to you: their true selves.

2. Our intuition is power.

This was the biggest lesson that I took from this relationship. There is a reason why it took me so long to go on a date with him in the first place because I was never really into him. I knew that there was something he was hiding and I had a feeling that he wasn’t being true or honest with me and mostly, with himself. I have always been intuitive; however, where people who take advantage of me get me is by trying to make me believe that I am not a good person because I aim to be kind and considerate to everyone until you have proven to me that my kindness will go to waste. Which, is what he did.

I started dating him out of compassion, then I started to see that I was sacrificing a part of myself. Once I noticed that I was losing myself, I would try and end things. Which is when the manipulation would start. He would tell me that his life would be nothing without me or that he couldn’t live without me. After we broke up, I became his friend because he was doing badly and I felt remorse for him and his kids. He used this as a way to ask for my hand in marriage. He asked me to marry him almost everyday for two weeks. I was so exhausted, I almost said ‘Yes’ to get him off my back but then I remembered the pain that he had caused me that led me to break up with him in the first place.

I knew in the beginning that the outcome would be as is, before anything happened because my intuition knew that he was not in alignment with being authentic or coming from a good place. Now, I listen to that voice because that nudge is a gift from God that could save me from experiences that are avoidable.

3. Asking to be with someone kind is not asking for too much.

During The Summer, I initially broke up with him because I had found something that disturbed me on his Instagram story. He was on a yacht with two women and he was pressed up against a woman from behind. No man who is in a monogamous relationship with a woman should be doing this with another woman. We had had discussions of how this behaviour had previously upset me, so the fact that he continued to do it pushed me to my edge. He spent some time trying to get me back while I was going through one of the hardest times of my life.

I had discovered that I had an unknown stalker who I woke up to on my dining room floor professing his love for me. Most people that I told this story to were upset and concerned but, not him. In fact, he didn’t even care. He didn’t ask how I was doing or was even bothered because he (ultimately) had no respect for me as a person. This was a huge sign and I distanced myself from him even more after this because I realized that not all company is good company. I didn’t want to just keep him around for the sake of having an extra body in my life. I want people in my life who genuinely care about me and are kind enough to ask if I am okay when something horrific happens. Asking to be around kind and considerate people isn’t asking for too much.

Since we have broken up, he has said the most vile things about me and has sent hate and negative vibes my way. But, I am not bothered or affected. I learnt what I needed to learn from the situation. I still love him but from a distance and through a different lens. I see with clarity that people who abuse me, speak badly of me, are disloyal and unkind do not deserve me.

Cher W, (tu vas rendre quelqu'un heureux)

Image de Unsplash

Image de Unsplash

Cher W, (tu vas rendre quelqu'un heureux)

Nous avons essayé et avons donné tout ce que nous pouvions, mais la seule chose qui nous a été révélée, c'est qu'être dans une relation amoureuse n'est pas pour nous.

Merci de m'avoir montré beaucoup de choses: comment aimer avec passion, ne jamais abandonner, être plus aimant, voir les choses sous un angle différent, et cette romance est bien vivante.

Vous ferez un bon partenaire pour quelqu'un. Cependant, je ne suis pas cette personne. Parce que si j’étais, ce ne serait pas si difficile d’être avec toi.

Il a été difficile de comprendre et de comprendre cette notion: comment je peux aimer si profondément quelqu'un que je crois être mon âme soeur, mais nous ne pouvons jamais nous confronter à l'essentiel. C'est pourquoi j'ai passé tant de temps à vous fâcher. Cependant, j'ai abandonné cette colère et vous ai ouvert mon cœur et ma vie en tant que cher ami que vous avez toujours été pour moi.

Que vous souhaitiez être mon ami ou non, c’est votre décision, mais sachez que je n’ai aucune animosité ni colère envers vous, je veux seulement que nous soyons en paix et que nous soyons meilleurs. Cela n’a pas fonctionné les uns avec les autres, alors faisons-le avec les autres. Cependant, vous avez besoin de mon soutien, je suis ici. En tant qu'ami, pas partenaire.

J'ai toujours beaucoup d'amour pour toi et je ne peux pas te reprocher d'être ce que tu es ou de ne pas pouvoir m'aimer de la manière dont je veux être aimé. Parce que le blâme est une perte de temps, d’émotions et d’énergie.

Je suis désolé d’être si énervé et amer à propos de qui vous êtes. Je ne veux pas vous changer ni que vous soyez quelqu'un d'autre que vous. Vous méritez un excellent partenaire qui vous aime tel que vous êtes et moi aussi.

Je t'aime,


5 Things that I have learnt on my Twin-Flame/ soulmate journey.


Image from Unsplash  


If you had asked me two years ago what a twin flame was, I would’ve shrugged my shoulders and quickly forgotten what the question was right after.

However, today, my understanding of it is very clear because I have been on this twin flame/soulmate journey (from what I can recall) for almost a decade.

*Twin flame is another person living of which you share the same vibration. Someone who is an extension of you but in an another form. It is not always romantic and some people refer to it as a soulmate connection.

Nine years ago, I was working as a bartender at a restaurant in SOHO, New York. One day, The Chef of the restaurant (where I worked) came up to and asked to read my palm. As he began to read my palm, he told me many things that were accurate at the time. Then, he began to tell me that I would come across my soulmate soon. He said that my soulmate is famous and that he would show up at my job and some other things too.
He then told me that my soulmate would send me a gift and I would be in awe. He said that once we were in a relationship, we would be very happy.

Truth be told, I had many many doubts about the story of my soulmate. So, I forgot about it. When he had told me the story, I was a 21 year old who had almost married someone who was very toxic for me and my life. Hence, me being apprehensive about the story or being with anyone who could make me happy.

Many years went by and random psychics would come up to me and tell me the same story. That I would marry someone famous in the music industry who is my soul mate/ twin flame. I had even gone to a tarot card reader about my career in 2014 and he mentioned that my soul mate and I would cross paths many times until one day, he would show up at my job.

I felt like I was running away from this story and it kept following me. Over the years, I would have dreams about a music producer whom I admired .I would dream that he was calling me. I never thought that the call was from my twin flame/ soulmate. I felt a deep connection to him and I wasn’t sure why. I felt like I had to know him and I had never felt like this about anyone, not even people that I had really loved. The feelings were never romantic but i had a deep need to be next to him. Although I had this deep feeling sometimes, I avoided doing any research about his personal life because I didn’t want to taint how I felt about him.

Fast forward a few years to 2018, I am 29 years old and living in Los Angeles working at a yoga studio as front desk one night. And, a random lady walks in to tell me that I am about to get married. I was shocked out of my mind because marriage was the last thing on my list and deep down, the whole idea of marriage scared me. She mentioned that he was in love with my country of origin, South Africa, he was in the music industry and that he was a kind person. Randomly, the name of the producer whom I admired  and felt a deep connection to, came to my head. I thought, could it be him?

I asked her how I would know that it was him and she said, ‘God will send you signs’. Truthfully, I don’t believe many people but I believed her with all of my heart because she seemed sincere and honest.

Two months later, my roommate (who didn’t know anything about the situation) came up to me and said that he had to read my tarot cards. I was in a rush and asked him if I could do it another day. He was forceful about it and so I gave in, I told him that he could. He told me that my soulmate would come into my life soon. That we had crossed paths many times but would meet very soon. He said that he would come to my yoga class in the next week. My intuition shouted the same music producer’s name into my head but I shrugged it off. I thought, of all the people that it could be, why him?

The following Wednesday, the music producer who I had admired showed up to take my yoga class. While I was teaching the class, I realized many things: that we had crossed paths many times in the yoga studio, that my intuition about being close to him was true and that he was my soulmate.

Today, we are still on the journey of separation, meaning that we are not together. Which will end at some point. Hopefully in this lifetime.

Throughout this journey, this is what I have learnt about the soulmate/ twin flame journey.

1. You cannot run away from it.

Since I found out who he truly was, persona-wise, I spent a lot of time running away from him and what came with him: the party lifestyle. I started telling some of my friends the story of how I was being told that I am meant to be with him and they told me that he was going to use me in a sexual way. They had seen his social media and seen women being portrayed in a sexual light. As a defense mechanism, I began to run away from him. He would talk to me or make eye contact with me and I would avoid him at all costs. Sometimes looking at the ceiling when he tried to speak to me. Only up until a week ago, did I realize that I have been the one running away from him, before I thought he was running away from me. Which was clear projection on my part. He has sent me signs and wrote a song that he is ready for this but I was too busy holding his past against him to see beyond judgement and fear. Out of fear, I ran into another relationship only to realize that fear is the opposite of growth. Fear stifles love. So, I am choosing now to love him, completely.

2. Forgiveness is key.

A year ago, I was ready to take the leap with him until I would see images of women dancing on his Instagram page that made me feel uneasy. To add icing to the cake, I had heard that he got into a public argument on Twitter with another DJ/Producer and the person he was arguing with said that he had a long negative history with women. After reading this, internally, I exploded with judgement and anger. I was saddened and disappointed that he, the twin flame/ soulmate, could be so irresponsible with his responsibility as a public figure. I also became jealous that he was spending time with other women and not me. I asked myself, what was he waiting for to be with me? I held onto this anger, resentment and jealousy for months and months. So much so that, I would go onto his Instagram page, and judge him for being a womanizer and pray that I never ended up with him. I was angry and hurt by judgement and fear that I had created in my own head. It was eating me up. After being tortured for so long, I decided to release the anger because it was only bringing me down and doing the opposite of what I want to achieve in This World: to create peace and love. It has been a process, one that I am still on but the overall outcome feels better on my mind and my body.

3. Love is not cautious.

While I was running away from this man, I found myself in a relationship with someone else. Not only was I in the relationship but I was forcing to be with someone that I wasn’t mean to be with. I knew that it wasn’t meant to be because there wasn’t a day that went by that I didn’t think about the producer- even when I was in my new man’s arms. You see, twin flame connection makes you feel what the other person feels, emotionally and spiritually.  I could feel that my twin flame knew that I was in a relationship and he was sad about it. I’m not sure how he found out but I could feel his pain in my heart when I thought about him and it made me sad. Last week, I had the biggest epiphany that I had been playing safe with my twin flame when, love is not safe. Love is great! But, love can be painful, hurtful, upsetting, heartbreaking, disappointing and emotional. But, love is powerful and love always wins. Loving with caution is not true love. So, I broke up with the new guy and have decided to be with my twin flame- whenever that day is.

4. The Universe has a plan.

After my twin flame took my yoga class, I received a lot of signs from The Universe. One of them is that when I was watching an interview with him, he said that he had a tattoo of his favourite animal on a specific part of his body. Kid you not, my mouth fell on the floor as my phone fell out of my hand. I was in such shock because I have a tattoo of my favourite animal on the same part of my body. My mind was blown at how this could’ve happened. Within the next week, everywhere that I went, I would hear his music. I would meet people who had met him or know him and would mention his name in passing until one day, I saw a billboard of his face outside of Trader Joe’sand almost fell on the floor. Even though I received all these signs, it took me some time to realize that it was out of my control. I have always been able to control men, situations and the path of my destiny. So, it was daunting to admit that I couldn’t this time. Only recently have I released complete control over this because I know that The Universe has a plan bigger than I can imagine and I am grateful to be in caring and supportive hands.

5. This kind of relationship is meant for spiritual growth.

In this life, I have suffered a lot of emotional pain from unavailable men. 3 years ago, I was in a steady relationship with someone who I thought that I was going to marry, I became pregnant and had a miscarriage. Following the miscarriage, I ended the relationship because my boyfriend (at the time) was not there for me, emotionally or spiritually. Since then, I have had my guard up in the biggest way. I developed this mentality that I would need to protect myself because I felt like I had been to blame for my miscarriage and the sucky position that I had been in. So, I promised to ignore men that I thought would cause me harm. When I met my twin flame, I felt like he was kind and loving towards me but I became tainted by what I had heard about him and seen on his Instagram. I began to ignore him to protect myself, forgetting that The Universe has my back. Sure, we go through experiences for a reason and we shouldn’t learn the same thing more than once. However, I have learnt that if The Universe has sent me so many signs that this relationship is meant to be, I am only fighting what is in my cards. Today, here I am. With an open mind and an open heart. Deeply curious of what might come if we were together. I have let go of the need to be safe, strong and secure because a lot of life is releasing and admitting that safety is a figment of imagination. I am open to the unknown and open to what this story is. I trust the signs and believe in my twin flame/soulmate connection.