wake up

12 Affirmations that I want to remind myself of in 2020.

Image by Unsplash

Image by Unsplash

Alas, it is 2020! The last decade, particularly last year, has been filled with many lessons and blessings. I am grateful for every single thing and person in my life because they have either taught me something or supported me in my growth.

This year, in spiritual numbers is calculated to 22. Which is a master number. The number 22 is associated with bringing manifestations into fruition. In order to do that, one must stay positive and in the right direction.

So, to make sure that I do, here are 12 affirmations to support that:

1. I am worthy of love.

2. I am worthy of time and affection.

3. I stand in my light.

4. I am light.

5. I am capable of creating a healthy life.

6. I progress from old patterns and create new ones.

7. I choose peace.

8. I take responsibility for my life and my past.

9. I am co-creating my life.

10. I am conscious and stand in purpose.

11. I am abundant.

12. I spread love and receive love.

12 Affirmations pour vous protéger contre les vampires énergétiques, les narcissiques et les personnalités abusives.

Image de Unsplash

Image de Unsplash

C’est une belle période de l’année et alors que beaucoup d’entre nous célèbrent, certains d’entre nous traînent peut-être plus avec leurs proches. Se réunir avec des êtres chers peut être amusant, mais parfois, cela peut être épuisant.

Dans chaque groupe de personnes, il y a des gens qui ont de bonnes intentions et ceux qui n'en ont pas. Si vous êtes quelqu'un qui apporte la vie et la lumière, vous remarquerez peut-être des gens qui viennent vous voir pour votre temps parce que vous le donnerez. Cependant, ce n'est pas parce que vous êtes léger que vous devez toujours le partager. Vous pouvez en garder pour vous et vous protéger des personnes qui veulent votre lumière.

Voici 12 affirmations pour vous protéger des personnes qui veulent voler votre lumière:

1. Je suis une bonne personne.

2. Je peux parfois dire «non».

3. J'ai de bonnes intentions.

4. L'opinion de quelqu'un sur moi est une opinion.

5. Je donne à ceux qui me rendent.

6. Je suis ma propre source d'énergie.

7. Je me remplis d'amour et d'affection.

8. J'en ai assez.

9. Je me valide.

10. Je peux en influencer un autre mais je ne peux pas en sauver un autre.

11. Je donne du respect aux autres et je retrouve le respect.

12. La vérité est ma fondation.

3 ways to cleanse your system when you wake up in the morning.

As a holistic professional, I have studied and tried various ways to cleanse my internal system after I have woken up in the morning. In holistic science, it is believed necessary to do so as your body needs to wake up just as your brain does. 

I like to describe it as, you wouldn't expect to run a marathon when you wake up. So, why expect your body to do a ton of digesting as soon as you wake up?

I recommend drinking one of these teas when you wake up, and as always, opt for organic:


1. Ginger tea

Ginger has been known by ancient Chinese and Indian culture to aid the digestive system. That's why they recommend it when you are feeling nauseas or have a tummy ache. Ginger is an anti-fungal so it clears the digestive tract of any unwanted bacteria hanging around. 

How to make: Place a piece of ginger in hot water and leave for 5 mins. Leave ginger in as you sip it down.


2. Garlic tea


This may sound crazy! However, this potion has been around for thousands of years in the eastern world of healing. Particularly, rare black garlic, is an anti-bacterial and anti-fungal. Which supports the digestive systems natural releasing of toxins.


How to make: Place three cloves of garlic into hot water. Let steep for 3-5 minutes and then drink water. You can also chew on garlic once you have sipped the tea.


3. Lemon tea


You've probably heard this before because it's true. For a light digestive boost, drink some hot water with lemon when you wake up. Lemon equalizes alkalinity which can be helpful with the digestive tract as, our bowels' Ph levels tend to fluctuate because of all the work that it has to do. Having a cup every morning will help put your digestive area at ease. However, if you already have high acidity in your bowels, opt for another tea mentioned above. 

How to make: Place a wedge of lemon in hot water. Let it steep for 3-5 minutes and then sip on the water.


* This is not medical advice. If you need medical attention, seek it through a doctor. 

Morning cleanse

Morning cleanse