
9 Things that I had to admit to myself when I decided to heal.

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Healing is a process and a lifelong journey. I’m not here to tell you that I know it all and I am better than you. I am human and, just like you, I have had my ups-and-downs. That is life and I question anyone who thinks otherwise about this. 

This past year has been one of the most revealing and healing times of my life because I have been uncovering abusive patterns in relationships, families and work situations. With that decision to heal comes the point when I had to be honest with myself about everything, my past, the present and what I want for the future. 

Here are 9 things that I had to admit to myself when I decided to heal: 

1. You might find yourself alone a lot of the time but you are not alone. God is with you. 

2. Some people may become jealous and think you are better but that is their projection. 

3. You will experience a great deal of regret from the past of how you dealt with some things, forgive yourself. 

4. You might not want to do the work but it always pays off. 

5. Intention is not enough. Our actions have to match our intent, too. 

6. You might lose some friends and family members for different reasons. Not everyone is meant to come with you to where you are going. It is okay. 

7. Growth is not for the faint-hearted and irrational. 

8. People who want to silence you, do not deserve you. 

9. Breathe and forgive. Forgive yourself, others and anything else that is shackling you. You deserve freedom and that comes once you have been honest with yourself.

3 Things that I have learnt about vultures.

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As hard as it is to admit this about life, a lot of it comes with vultures. People who take from others and are incapable of thinking of anyone else but themselves. All of us have aspects of this within- that is how we survive. However, there are some who lack the ability to look within, apologize and decide to give to someone without using it against that person in the future. 

These are vultures and they exist in all realms of life: family, friends, romantic relationships and work life. I’m not a psychologist or have studied psychology. However, I am a certified health coach and a spiritual guide. I have had many experiences with this behaviour, with others and even with myself. Until I chose to better myself, I was a vulture, too. 

Here are a few things that I have learnt about vultures: 

1. They give and love with conditions. 

Unfortunately, most of us are raised in a very selfish way of thinking. Many of us were taught and conditioned to believe that if I give to you, you owe me or I can use it against you in the future to make myself feel like a better person. I used to think this way. I have given and loved with conditions, tit-for-tat. This kind of conditioning is exhausting. I saw that when I expected others to give to me, it tired me because I was waiting on a day that night never come to me. 

Once, I learnt to give from a place of abundance, I released the need to get back. There is a difference between always giving and never receiving in return and, giving with the sole purpose to receive. The former is allowing ourselves to be used and the latter comes from a self-centered place. Vultures feel entitled to receive, so giving from abundance is not worthy of them doing. 

2. They can never really be happy

Have you ever been in the presence of someone who always has something negative to say about others? Sometimes I notice myself being that person and ask myself to focus on gratitude. I’m not sure why this is the case but, as a whole, we have a tendency to look to the negative. There have been studies that suggest we derive this from our biological nature to survive and need to be critical so that we can understand what we are up against in order to evolve as a species. 

However, I have learnt and am still learning that only pointing out the negative aspect of people is exhausting- not for them; for me. A long time ago, a friend asked me, ‘Are you ever happy with a situation?’ And, I had to be honest with myself, the answer was no. I had been conditioned and had a tendency to look to the negative. That’s when I started to meditate and consciously focus on the things are positive. There is a difference between complaining about something and acting on it to make it better vs. perpetually seeing the wrong in situations and not doing anything about it. 

3. They are just around to use you. 

This has been a constant theme in my life and I’m sure it’s a common theme in most people’s lives. I am not perfect- I don’t want to be. But, something that I take pride in is that I like to live in positivity. I believe in betterment and progression through self and hard work. Not everyone thinks like this and they don’t have to. However, when you think like this, vultures want a piece. 

You see, vultures want a piece of what you have created and what you will create at any cost because they lack the capability to do it for themselves and have a sense of jealousy towards others. If you notice there is someone who is in your life who tells you what you want to hear, disappears when you need them and is never really happy for you, you might have a vulture in your life. Notice how they respond to boundaries because they don’t take well to them and will intrude on perimeters you have set because their purpose is not to bring anything valuable into your life but to take as much as they can.

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9 Things that I am grateful for.

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In this time of uncertainty and tendency to focus on the negative, the practice of gratitude is important. 

Gratitude lifts our vibration and reminds us of all the good in our life. That doesn’t mean that we don’t work on our problems and get us out of a position but sometimes we need to remember positivity so that we can work towards it. 

Here are 9 things that I am grateful for right now: 

1. My body. 

2. My mind. 

3. The time to pause and reflect. 

4. Situations that I have let go of.

5. This time to grow. 

6. This time to forgiveness. 

7. The awakening taking place within me and others. 

8. People and things that I was not for, vice versa. 

9. God’s grace. 

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9 Forms of strength that are worth embracing.

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When the word strong appears in my mind, I often think of physical strength. Which, is a real thing, yes! However, sometimes I forget about the other ways that we can develop our strength, mentally or physically. 

Evolution of any circumstance requires strength because we have to decide whether or not we can pull through and make it to the other side. 

Especially during this time, I have been reminded that strength shows up in many different forms and here are a few of them that are worth embracing: 

1. Listening- we all want to be heard but very few take the time to listen. 

2. Kindness- genuinely. Not for a prize or for others but so that we can feel good about who we are as contributors in This World.

3. Commitment- we can all give up. But, what do we have to show for ourselves if we do? 

4. Self-awareness- looking at ourselves and what we can do to be better is empowering because the we can do something about it. 

5. Accountability- that way once we have started something, we finish it. 

6. Morality- defining what we stand for, clearly, so that we have purpose. 

7. Devotion- Committing to the betterment of a situation or person so that we know that we gave it our all. 

8. Differentiating when to fight for something or to let it go- it’s a balance that when mastered, you will become unstoppable. 

9. Giving peace it’s value- only through stillness can we absorb all of the other forms of strength within ourselves. 

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9 Redefinitions of success in my 30s.

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I heard a quote last week and it said, ‘There are two kinds of people in The World: real or fake.’- Anon. 

Which is apparent currently (most of us are at home) when social media and YouTube clips reveal who is able to sit with themselves in peace and be authentic vs. those who are grabbing at attention and desire validation. You don’t have to be a celebrity to crave attention. Social media is fun but needing validation through it is concerning. 

I spent a lot of my life in the hamster wheel of needing to be ‘successful’ and pressured myself into jobs that I didn’t like and surrounded myself with (mostly) people who had the same agenda. 8 years ago, I made a decision to leave that behind and I am very grateful for it. Sure, I would like to own a house and have a few million in the bank but that is still coming. And, when it does, I won’t have to start to get to know myself because I am connected to myself already. 

Here are 9 redefinitions of success in my 30s: 

1. Being surrounded by sincere and well-meaning people. 

2. Feeling loved by myself and others. 

3. Being the change that I want to see. 

4. Speaking and acting from a place of authenticity; not to please others. 

5. Being healthy, mentally and physically. 

6. Manifesting dreams that raise the energetic level of consciousness, harmony and kindness. 

7. Understanding that my actions create the karma that I will receive in my life. 

8. Working hard and smart, not at the expense of my health and well-being. 

9. Enjoying my life because it should be lived through, not passed by. 

3 Reasons why I don’t look up to celebrities, Gurus or SuperYogis to be my saviour.

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I’ve lived in three different major cities where celebrities and well-known people reside: London, New York and (now) Los Angeles. Interestingly, each city approaches and deals with famous people differently. 

In London, the average person couldn’t be bothered. Similarly in New York. However, in Los Angels, there is a culture that is celebrity-focused and applauding. Might be because of Hollywood; however, it is apparent here that people of fame stature are treated above others. 

Although I have dated a few well-known people and am sometimes fascinated by the culture of people who believe that they are above others, I have rarely been influenced or aspired to be like a celebrity. 

Yes, I have (and still) admire what some people who have acquired success in their own field represent. But, that is not just in one industry; it is in all industries. 

Here are 3 reasons that I don’t look up to Celebrities, Gurus and SuperYogis to be my saviour: 

1. Most of them are out of touch

When I remember one of my family members, who was famous in South Africa, I have memories of how she had to run from people to feel like her true self. This left an impression on me for the rest of my life. You see, I have always loved to sing but detested what came with it. My family member showed me this: shady contracts, untrustworthy people and the need to always be number one. 

When I was in a relationship with a well-known Producer, I was given a taste of this again. He could never let his guard down because he had to keep up an image/persona that was contrary to who he was. His battle between who he perceived to be and is, created a struggle and (in my opinion) he lost touch of why he started making music in the first place. 

Although many famous people make themselves seem relatable; the average person shares very little with them. Which is okay. After meeting and dating some well-known people, I have learnt that I have almost nothing in common with them. I would rather look up to people that I can genuinely relate to and speak of their character from an authentic place; rather than an image that is portrayed to The World through campaigns and media. 

2. Hard work is often not rewarded through a paycheck. 

I have had the pleasure of meeting some of the most hardworking people in my life and most of them have not been recognized or well-known. This does not mean that famous people don’t work hard; it just means that sometimes we look past the average worker when they can be more inspiring than someone who is on the cover of a magazine. 

I have had the privilege of working many different jobs and meeting the person who cleans toilets, picks up after other people and manages a bunch of staff without the recognition that they deserve but with a big smile on their face are the people that I admire and look up to for hope. 

One of the most distinctive memories that I have of my junior school was greeting one of Our Gardeners who always had a smile on his face. Every morning, he would grace me with his white and pearly smile and it gave me hope and inspired me to always stay positive. It has left an imprint on my life and I will always remember him as an inspiration to me. 

3. I want a simple life. 

I have been very vocal and literary expressive about when I decided to leave the music industry. My experience was that I had to change to be able to do what I can do naturally, sing. I believe in evolution; however, I don’t believe in changing my authentic self to appease others. Which is a contradiction to what some Publicists and Producers told me would get me recognized for my work. I had one Producer tell me that most people who are famous can’t sing well, it is about image. It was then that I promised to remain authentic to myself and the people that I loved. 

I left the industry and began to do some serious soul-searching and healing. 8 years later, I am grateful to be exactly where I am. In society’s eyes, I may not be as worthy as someone like Kylie Jenner or another extremely rich person who is a young adult. But, I have my dignity, pride and I can walk in a park and get lost in my imagination without being recognized or noticed. I notice myself and love myself, that is what I value more than false recognition based off of an image, money and what I can do for others.

My life is simple and I like it this way. 

Dear Body,

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Dear Body, 

Thank you for being there for me, particularly when I wasn’t there for you. We’ve come a long way together and after all this time, I am so grateful that you are healthy and that you forgave me for what I put you through before. 

It took me learning how I had been conditioned to look a certain way to break that chain and appreciate you. You stuck around, loving me unconditionally. 

I still have some thoughts of how you can be different but I check myself because I know your purpose. You keep me alive, strong and able to fulfill my purpose. So, I will do the same for you. 

Body, I promise to love you unconditionally. Especially when it is not easy to do so. When I’ve eaten almost a ton of pancakes, over-indulged on some wine and can’t get to a yoga studio or workout that day or the next, I will still love you because we are both doing our best and this journey of life. 

I have hope that I will find true love and respect. Virgo Full moon affirmation 2020

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I have hope that I will find true love and respect. 

He is in the form of someone who genuinely likes me. 

I have hope that I will find true love and respect. 

He is not afraid to speak to me and let me in to his life. 

I have hope that I will find true love and respect. 

He lets me in on what is going on his life, so that I don’t have to guess. 

I have hope that I will find true love and respect. 

We have created a bond based on honesty, kindness and respect. One that no one can come in-between. 

I have hope that I will find true love and respect. 

We support one another and choose peace and unity everyday. 

I have hope that I will find true love and respect. 

He takes responsibility for what he needs to in our relationship. 

I have hope that I will find true love and respect.

There is no need to manipulate either of each other because what we have is authentic and meant to be.

3 Things that I wish I’d known before my emotional healing process.

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Image from Unsplash

When I look back at the beginning of my emotional healing process, it consciously began in 2012. I was in a toxic relationship with a man who was going through a divorce and all that I could do was think about him and wonder when he would be with me because he was my dream man. 

Ironically, my fear of losing him evaporated after I was almost arrested for being drunk and disorderly in August, 2012. After being saved by three random people who came by the cab that night, I made a promise to God that I would finally do the work that I had been avoiding. It was clear that my toxic thoughts and actions had led me down a path to a man that didn’t really care about me, a career path that was inauthentic and, a lifestyle that had me exhausted and wishing to be living in someone else’s skin. 

When I made this promise to Our Higher Source, I said that no matter how hard it was, I was going to pull through and be a better version of myself. Who knew that this path would have made me a Yoga Teacher, Spiritual Coach and Business woman? 8 years later and I am grateful for ever step of the way. 

Here are 3 things that I have learnt and wish I had known before I started my emotional healing process: 

1. We all have memories that eat us up but how can we empower ourselves through these memories. 

During my first awakening in 2012, when I decided to surrender my life to God and Source, I had left my boyfriend who was going through a divorce. I previously mentioned how he and I would drink a lot together and on the night that I was almost arrested, I had been with him beforehand. The majority of our relationship was drinking and being verbally abusive with one another. I thought that it was okay to have a relationship where we create intense toxicity, in the name of passion. 

After I made a promise to God, I stopped drinking for a while and began a 30-day hot yoga challenge where I practiced hot yoga everyday. Many people thought that I was crazy and wondered what was wrong with me. However, as I shed physical weight, I also shed mental and emotional weight. I was done carrying the burden of hate and unforgiveness.

I noticed that the situation I had been in with that boyfriend was similar to the one that I had had with my father. Both would come and leave as they pleased, both were successful CEOs and lacked emotional intelligence but made up for it with materials and compliments. I specifically remember a memory (when I was a kid) of being next to my Dad and feeling how much emptiness was between us even though we were next to one another. 

As an adult, I made a choice to forgive my father for being a victim of and accentuating the role of toxic masculinity where putting up walls is more beneficial than letting people in. When I first had memories like this, I would cry from my soul but I knew that that was healing taking place. I had to release my past to move forward with my life. And, forgiveness was essential- to myself and to others. 

2. It gets worse before it gets better

I had no idea that I was capable of having a life that is loving and genuinely kind. When I started my emotional healing process, I knew that the past would try to grip me and take me under its wing but I saw right through it. I knew that there was a rainbow (figuratively) on the other side. 

Before I made a conscious decision to be kind, loving and focus on the negative, I found myself in looping ideas that would manifest into my life. I would end up dating the same kind of person, have the same type of friend and resist the idea of change- which is inevitable. I was stuck. 

I am a firm-believer that everything is happening for us but it might not be how you want it to be. Just because it doesn’t present itself to you this way doesn’t mean that it is not for your benefit. 

Just because I decided to heal moving forward in 2012, doesn’t mean that my life miraculously becomes better because; that is not the human experience. We are meant to grow through circumstances and what we go through. However, our mindset can create trauma and have an effect on our physical and mental well-being. 

Victimizing ourselves reminds us that we are victims; however, empowering thoughts remind us of our authentic power that no one can take away form us, no matter what we face or go through. 

3. Healing is not about money or anyone else. 

Like many others, I began healing with this idea that there are levels of healing and that I would present myself to others as a good person if I appeared to be enlightened. 

But, this is where The Ego loves to reside- in levels, monetary worth and hierarchy. We are all on our own mission. My mission is very different to yours, which is okay. I am very wary of people who create a façade of telling others what healing should feel like and that there is an outcome because everyone encounters their own experiences. 

Ultimately, we can influence each other by sharing our stories but forcing another to feel what we have felt through awakening or healing is counteractive to true healing. 

3 Things that I wish I had known before I started BiologiqueLife.

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In 2017, after I had written for a popular online international blog platform, I decided to start my own. Even though I had published articles for this website, I didn’t feel like it represented me in an authentic way because some of the articles were so editted that sometimes it didn’t sound like my own voice. 

At one point, I was their most popular and hated author. At times I did take it too personally. I would cry when I read negative comment after comment that was about words that were not my own. To avoid feeling bitter and resentful, I decided to no longer write for them and start my own, that aligned with authenticity and spirituality. A platform where I am not out to make money only and in a quick way with shocking headlines but because people resonate with the stories. 

When I started BiologiqueLife, I had just gone through a personal difficulty and wanted to create a platform to heal myself and others. I don’t regret any of the outcome and am grateful that I learnt all of this. However, if I was told anything about the process of BiologiqueLife, I would want to know the following: 

1. Not everyday is a day for creativity

I am a natural creative: I love writing, drawing, singing, colours and designing. However, when it comes to structure, money and taxes, I am knowledgeable about it but find myself putting it off till later.

In the past few years, I have had to be honest about what my strengths are and use them to counteract my weaknesses. For example, I have taken business courses and asked friends to help me with fine details because I believe in the success of it. There have been days when I would rather sleep in than do calculations. So, I reward myself with a treat after I have completed something that I don’t like doing. Bringing balance to myself and BiologiqueLife. 

2. You will understand the true meaning of a hater, how will you respond? 

I used to be afraid to do well for fear of people thinking that I thought that I was better than them. Growing up, people would constantly tell me that I was full of myself because I was and am confident. Sometimes this confidence was put on but I am a firm-believer in putting your best self out there to represent yourself as such. 

When I started BiologiqueLife, I knew that there/are negative people in the world but I didn’t see the full capacity of what others might be capable of when they can’t handle your success. For the most part, people have been supportive and loving- which is who I write for. However, I have had the few that are clearly not supportive of what I have created. And, it is okay, they don’t have to be. When they behave that way, I have made a decision to accept it and understand that I have something to learn. Sometimes it is to have thicker skin, to learn more or to ignore anything that is attempting to bring me down. Haters will always be around, they do not deserve my time or energy. 

3. Consistency and devotion is key. 

People ask me, where do you find the time to write? And, honestly, I am not sure because in my head, I don’t have to find time- it is already there. I just have to use it. My life without writing is not living. We all have something that brings us life and reminds us why we need to share it with others; however, most of us don’t share it or are not consistent with it because we might be fearful, procrastinating or think that it is not worthy. 

There have been days when I have had to convince myself of why I started BiologiqueLife and write almost everyday because anything that requires consistency can be challenging. However, the outcome is more rewarding. Nothing that is worthy of achieving in life comes without effort, consistency and devotion- otherwise, everyone else would be doing it. 

Through serving others, devotion and giving up our Ego, we serve a bigger and higher purpose. We learn that growth and transformation requires digging deep within but, is possible if we do it with consistency.

12 Things that I would rather be called other than mean.

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We all have faced some harshness and unkindness in our lives. I used to believe that this was normal so I was unkind and accepted behaviour in my life that was not positive, affirming and reassuring. 

Who knows why I used to settle for less than I deserved but I see it all around- people accepting unkindness and mean-spiritedness when we shouldn’t. About 4 years ago, I went through a culmination of different events that changed my perception of how I approach people and what I wanted to project to the world. Ever since then, I made a promise to myself to practice kindness as much as possible. I don’t always get it right but that doesn’t mean that I stop trying. 

Here are 12 things that I would rather be as opposed to mean

1. Kind.

2. Understanding.

3. Compassionate. 

4. Mature. 

5. Fulfilled. 

6. Loving. 

7. Happy. 

8. Joyful. 

9. Playful. 

10. Honest. 

11. Aligned. 

12. Purposeful. 

What it took to get to me- abundance.

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It took letting go of what I didn’t need

To get to me

It took me learning to be happy for myself and others

To get to me

It took me releasing old conditions that limited what I reap

To get to me

It took me believing that I am capable of anything magnificent and powerful

To get to me

It took me letting go of people who don’t believe in me and themselves 

To get to me

It took me accepting that I am in control of my life

To get to me

It took me elevating my consciousness and vibration 

To get to me

It took me developing a daily meditation and spiritual practice

To get to me

It took me accepting that I am unique and meant to be so

To get to me

It took me accepting my purpose and call

To get to me

It took me surrounding myself with supportive, compassionate and understanding people

To get to me

It took me acknowledging that not everyone is going to like me and I am not going to like everyone 

To get to me

It took me releasing thoughts based on fear

To get to me

It took me allowing myself to shine bright

To get to me

It took me reminding myself that I am in alignment with abundance

To get to me

*To learn more about abundance. Sign up for our FREE course here

12 Ways that I have learnt to step into my abundance.

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In the past year, I have seen my life transform in the best way possible. I have been able to manifest the life that I want. As a teacher, everything that I have learnt, I must pass on to those who it resonates with. 

There are many ways to access abundance and, contrary to what many of us have been told, it has very little to do with money but with living a full and holistic life. Health, wealth and vitality can all be ours if we learn to tap into abundance. 

Here are 12 ways that I stepped into my abundance:


1. By letting go of traditional and ancestral beliefs that are usually based on fear and pushing down someone else to succeed.

2. By asking, why not me?

3. By understanding that anyone is able to step into abundance. When someone else does, I am happy because it means that so can I. We rose together.

4. By manifesting, through visualization and feeling it into existence. 

5. By releasing my manifestations into The Universe. 

6. By accepting that I am a Co-Creator in my life.

7. By letting go of wrong and right.

 8. By surrounding myself with people and things that keep me in alignment. 

9. By taking note of angel numbers (111;222:333...etc) that I see around me. 

10. By remembering that it is all happening for my betterment. Whether I am aware of what my betterment is or not. 

11. By seeing failure as re-direction. 

12. By not taking anything personally. 

*Find out more about abundance from our FREE abundance course.
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12 Interesting truths about Aquarius.

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It’s almost the end of Aquarius season and, as an Aquarius, it is difficult to pass on the torch of when the Sun is most prominent in our sign off to Pisces. I am proud to be an Aquarius and mostly because we are unique. I have never met one like another. Sure that goes for everyone but, if you think of an Aquarius that you may know, you most likely think, there is no one like this possible- we are eccentric.

When I was younger, I knew that I was eccentric but would hide it and only let it out at times. Thankfully, as a child of an Aquarius and living in a city that allows me to express my eccentricities, I have learnt to embrace this aspect of myself and no longer apologize for being my own person. I own completely that I am usually the strange one or the one who doesn’t fit in and it is okay. I am not meant to be like anyone else.

Here are other fun things about Aquarius, for you to know: 

*This is just for fun, please don’t take it to heart. Your full chart can have an impact on how you behave with others and how you see yourself, too.*

1. Our life’s work is to let go of the need to be right and focus on compassion and kindness, for ourselves and for others. 

2. We can have very guarded hearts. But once you’re in, you’re in. Until you betray us; then you’re out and never allowed back in. 

3. We seem distant because we want to process emotions alone without other people telling us how to. 

4. When we cut someone off, we mean it. Unless the person apologizes, changes and we see results. 

5. We are very ‘matter of fact’ people and logical thinking comes before emotions. 

6. We can be very insecure and have deep issues until we learn that admitting that we have flaws doesn’t make us weak. 

7. We need our space. We don’t love by clinging, we do so by releasing and if the person comes back, we know that it’s real.

8. To be in our lives, you need to want to be a better person. As we are trying to do, too. 

9. We can think of ourselves as Gods and Goddesses so we need to stay humble and grounded. 

10. If we don’t want to do something, we just won’t. 

11. We can become jaded if we keep pushing our emotions away and blaming others for the way that we are. 

12. We love to help others. In fact, we feel guilty if we don’t. 

Los lados oscuros y claros de todos los signos del zodiaco.

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La astrología es una herramienta maravillosa que nos ayuda a comprender los fundamentos de la naturaleza de alguien. Se basa en la alineación del universo y los planetas. Y, se dice que es la primera forma de ciencia antigua. Siempre he tenido una conexión con la astrología porque soy un Acuario y he pasado mucha vida siendo malentendido. Me conecto profundamente con la descripción de mi signo solar. Sin embargo, todos tenemos una carta natal completa que consta de muchos factores diferentes que hacen a todos diferentes y crean nuestro propio plan. Este artículo trata sobre los signos solares que se representan a través de nuestro Ego, con el que la mayoría de nosotros nos identificamos. Realmente creo que no existe un signo positivo o negativo, todos los signos tienen positividades y negatividades. Nuestra luz y nuestra oscuridad. Para brillar como seres individuales, necesitamos trabajar en nuestro lado oscuro y ser conscientes de cómo podríamos estar contribuyendo negativamente al universo para que podamos cambiar nuestra perspectiva y comportamiento en un resultado positivo. Estos son los aspectos claros y oscuros de cada signo solar del zodiaco:

Aries: Luz: energía fresca y explosiva.

Oscuro: necesita competir y ser el número uno para salir adelante.

Tauro: Luz: estable y con objetivos. Oscuro: pensar en blanco y negro con dificultad para ver otra perspectiva.

Geminis: Luz: Creativa y mental en las nubes. Oscuro: egocéntrico y falta de estabilidad.

Cáncer: Luz: nutrir a sus seres queridos. Oscuro: manipulativo y defensivo.

León: Luz: líder natural.

Oscuro: Seguir a otros e incapacidad para trabajar en equipo.

Virgo: Luz: Conducido y orientado al trabajo. Oscuro: evita la interacción humana.

Libra: Luz: encantador y enfocado en la atracción física.
Oscuro: Carece de conexión a tierra y manejo.

Escorpión: Luz: Naturalmente espiritual y capaz de manifestarse.

Oscuro: Tendencia a usar tácticas vengativas y pensar que el mundo está en contra de ellos.

Sagitario: Luz: explorador aventurero y natural. Oscuro: falta de dirección. En necesidad de estabilidad.

Capricornio: Luz: Conducido y estable. Oscuro: Consumido con trabajo hasta el punto de agotamiento.

Acuario: Luz: excéntrica y única.

Oscuro: pensando que están por encima de otras personas y que necesitan un falso sentido de valor.

Piscis: Luz: intuitiva y sabia por naturaleza. Oscuro: hastiado y manipulador.

12 Affirmations pour vous protéger contre les vampires énergétiques, les narcissiques et les personnalités abusives.

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Image de Unsplash

C’est une belle période de l’année et alors que beaucoup d’entre nous célèbrent, certains d’entre nous traînent peut-être plus avec leurs proches. Se réunir avec des êtres chers peut être amusant, mais parfois, cela peut être épuisant.

Dans chaque groupe de personnes, il y a des gens qui ont de bonnes intentions et ceux qui n'en ont pas. Si vous êtes quelqu'un qui apporte la vie et la lumière, vous remarquerez peut-être des gens qui viennent vous voir pour votre temps parce que vous le donnerez. Cependant, ce n'est pas parce que vous êtes léger que vous devez toujours le partager. Vous pouvez en garder pour vous et vous protéger des personnes qui veulent votre lumière.

Voici 12 affirmations pour vous protéger des personnes qui veulent voler votre lumière:

1. Je suis une bonne personne.

2. Je peux parfois dire «non».

3. J'ai de bonnes intentions.

4. L'opinion de quelqu'un sur moi est une opinion.

5. Je donne à ceux qui me rendent.

6. Je suis ma propre source d'énergie.

7. Je me remplis d'amour et d'affection.

8. J'en ai assez.

9. Je me valide.

10. Je peux en influencer un autre mais je ne peux pas en sauver un autre.

11. Je donne du respect aux autres et je retrouve le respect.

12. La vérité est ma fondation.

6 Reasons to go back to school, by Diana Athena.

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Image by Unsplash

Just like most people, I went to college right after I graduated high school. What I didn’t realize is that the universe had other plans for me and after two years of studying Hospitality & Hotel Management, I ended up moving to The United States. Adult life and freedom led me into the current of opportunities.

The ability to pay my bills by simply working at bars and restaurants seemed pretty tempting at first; however, the years were passing by and my first excitement has been replaced with questions like, “How much longer am I willing to do what I do?”, and ,“What will come after?”. I had been considering going back to school but was uncertain what I wanted to study. When you are older going back to school may seem a bit intimidating. It took me years (and some inspiration from close friends) to finally find the courage and take the first step by simply collecting information about the process of reinstatement. I went down the road from there, I’ve collected all the papers, applied and got accepted!

I can tell you, being a student in your 30’s is very different than being a student right after high school. But, it is still worth it! 

Being a freshman again made me realize a few things. This is what they are:


1. I have a better understanding of what I want.

I was 17 when I first went to college back in Russia and going to school was expected of me. At that age, i hadn’t yet understood who I wanted to be when I grew up. My interests were scattered between so many areas - I loved hospitality, theater, traveling ;but yet I also loved animals and wanted to be a veterinarian. Now when I am more settled, I can now better tell the difference between what I would like to pursue as a career and what would serve me better kept as a hobby. 


2. More confidence!

Now that I am a bit older, I have so much more confidence in myself. I no longer need to seek approval from peers or try to impress anyone. School is a place to work on my education, to get things done and to get better! 


3. Better time management.

Being a student while working a full time job (or 2 in my case) is not an easy task, but likely at this point of my life I have a better understanding of time management and self care, which helps me to keep a busy schedule and stay motivated.



4. I can choose classes based on what I already do to improve my performance.

Now when I am back at school, I have a clear idea of what I am drawn to. My past experiences serve as a strong foundation and relate to the knowledge that I am receiving at this moment. Having set opinions and believes helps to determine what exactly I would like to focus on in my education and my career.


5. New connections.

No matter how old you are it is important to keep expanding the circle of the people you know. Being back in school I have got to meet so many moving and inspiring people, who have changed my views and opinions and who I am continuing to learn from. 


6. The best investment of your time is investment into yourself!

There is always room for growth! Regardless of if it is getting another college degree, or taking some dance lessons because you have always loved salsa. Whatever it is for you, learning is a good way to stay ahead and to keep the everlasting energy of change flowing. 


12 Things that I want to give myself credit for (in 2019).

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Image from Unsplash

Truthfully, I have felt some disappointment about a few people’s reaction to my honesty regarding what I’ve been through this year. After going through a lot, I noticed a lot of ‘positive gaslighting’ in forms of, ‘don’t worry, things get better’, ‘keep a positive approach’ or, ‘you can do it!’

I know that these phrases mean well; however, I have done the best that I can under these circumstances with the tools that have been given to me. So, hearing what I need to work on when I have poured my heart out, feels like a slap in the face.

I don’t think any of these people mean unwell; I just think that sometimes listening is better than always looking for a remedy. Sometimes, we are so quick to find a solution that we forget about compassion and kindness. There are times when listening is the highest form of love.

As a result of feeling this way, I decided to look within and give myself the credit that I have been looking for outside. Although it would be nice to receive credit from others; if I don’t give it to myself, there is no point in looking to others for it.

Here are 12 things that I want to give myself credit for (in 2019):

1. For leaving a toxic relationship with a healthy body and mind.

2. For getting up everyday.

3. For putting forward effort.

4. For trying to see a silver-lining in most situations.

5. For crying sometimes.

6. For smiling sometimes.

7. For listening to my intuition.

8. For never giving up.

9. For maintaining a healthy body.

10. For my (almost) daily yoga practice.

11. For starting a wellness platform.

12. For reminding myself of what I should be proud of.

What are you giving yourself credit for? Make a list and e-mail it to to be posted.

The biggest lesson that I learnt when my mentor made sexual advances on me.

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Image by Unsplash

In light of the new Bikram documentary on Netflix, I feel that it is my duty to share this story. I promised that I would never tell this story (out of shame); however, the more that I learn about sexual predators and the nature of how they operate, the more that I come to understand how little it has to do with the prey and more with the person who does the preying.This is a contradiction to what I had known before this incident happened to me.

Every and any industry is filled with predators; my story is one of a mentor that I had when I wanted to become a yoga teacher. As I start to write these words, I can feel a gulp in my throat and my eyes heat up as I get emotional but I promised to tell this story- no matter how difficult it is and the backlash that I will receive for doing so.

Approximately 7 years ago, I became a yoga teacher and I had been assigned different teachers to be my mentors during the process. It was an intense time in my life. Prior to my decision to become a yoga teacher, I was a waitress and had discovered the benefits of a consistent hot yoga practice. I was dead-set on becoming a yoga teacher and the person who asked me was one of my teachers, I looked up to him.

Although I have never believed in admiring any one person, I was passionate about the way that he taught, what he had to offer and his authenticity to the practice. As a practitioner, I was definitely influenced by him. One day, after class, he approached me and asked me if I was going to become a teacher because he believed in me. Words cannot describe how I felt when he said that to me. But, if I had to choose one, I would choose flattered.

By sheer coincidence, I ended up taking his class often after that. The studio that he taught at (and I practiced at) didn’t have a schedule so every class you took, you were surprised by who was teaching you. I had always (and still have) been fond of this idea because I became detached from who was teaching and focused on my practice.

As a result of our coinciding schedules, I would take his class 3-4 times a week and noticed that he would place extra effort and energy on me during class. On one of my birthdays, he wished me happy birthday and put his hand down my bra while I was in savasana (dead-corpse pose).I was in utter and complete shock. I started crying. I cried for the rest of class because one of my biggest fears had come true: an older man who was mentoring me only did so because of what I looked like as opposed to truly believing in me, my strength as a practitioner and my potential as a teacher.

I contemplated not going through with the teacher-training but I had already put down my non-refundable deposit. For days, I would think about it and become heartbroken and upset about this teacher. Even though, he did this to me, I went back to practice. I told myself that there were other teachers that I could learn from. I decided to do what most women do regularly, I shut off a part of my self-worth/esteem and I decided to continue to practice there and go through with the teacher-training.

I made a decision to set some boundaries, like not speaking to him, focus on the yoga when he was teaching and distance myself for making any solid connections with male teachers and practitioners. In retrospect, what I had to do was unfair and unjust but I felt so isolated in my decision-making. I knew that if I told my friends and family, they would wonder about my sanity and question why I was so obsessed with this yoga studio? Honestly, I did wonder about my sanity but I saw the big picture of being a teacher more than this issue with my mentor.

My plan to distance myself from him failed. My 23 year-old self didn’t understand that predators thrive off of attention and notice when their prey is not falling into their trap anymore. So, they usually try to breakdown the boundaries that you create when you distance yourself from them. One day, I was in a backbend on the floor and he placed his genitals in front of my face. I looked away from them. He pretended to give me an adjustment (still while I was in this backbend) but instead, pushed my head to look at them. I was so flustered and frozen that I broke down crying again. I proceeded to act like nothing had happened and after class, he came up to me while I was putting on my shoes and asked me why I was crying. I became enraged and stormed out.

I was stubborn about my plan of becoming a teacher that I decided to ignore what he was doing and keep my conversations with him minimal. This time, my plan worked until I was about to graduate from my teacher-training and I was assigned him as the teacher that I was meant to teach with, in order to pass graduation. To this day, I am not sure if this was purposeful or by accident. However, my nerves were out of control when I found out that I would be co-teaching my pre-graduation class with him.

Before I graduated from teacher-training, I was meant to give dialogue to a full class with a teacher and he was the teacher that I was meant to teach the class with. I found out just before I was meant to teach the class. I decided to breathe and get through it. Before we started, we were meant to have a ‘pow wow’ where we spoke about what I would teach and how he would interject. He said that I should teach the class and if he thinks that I am doing ‘badly’, he will start teaching. He told me that he had faith in me and that I would do great.

As the class commenced, I taught the first two postures and when I was in mid-sentence, he cut me off. He abruptly interrupted me and told me that he would take it from there. For the rest of the class, he acted like I wasn’t there and I had to stand in the class and not say a word. I felt mortified and had to leave so halfway throughout class, I left and lied to the front desk. I said that I had a headache and had to leave. It seemed like she knew what was going on and wanted to be on my side. In a nutshell, she implied knowing about his character and encouraged me to finish because I had spent so much money on becoming a teacher. I listened to her and went back in. I sat in a corner and I held back my tears till the class was done .

After it was done, I wrote a long e-mail to the teacher-trainer co-ordinator about what happened and she called me. I didn’t fill her in about how I had felt inappropriate behaviour from my mentor but I let her know what had happened when I was meant to teach the class. The conversation ended with her basically telling me that I need to work on my self confidence, let go of my issues with men and learn how to deal with males who will push my boundaries. After I got off the phone, I clearly knew that I couldn’t trust them.

I proceeded to teach for them and take my mentor issue into my own hands. The following time that he came up to me and touched me during class, I went up to him after class and I told him to never touch me again because it made me feel uncomfortable. He responded to me with shock and tried to make it seem like it was me who had the issue. However, at that point, I was so fed up with him that I didn’t care what he thought of me and what would happen to me after that.

As a result of this encounter, I made a promise to myself that I would always speak up if I felt compromised or violated. If not for me, then for the other women and girls who are behind me because it could happen to them, too.

This experience taught me that some people are messengers and nobody deserves to be idolized. He is human. He was a big piece of my path to becoming a teacher but I did the work, I literally fought against obstacles to become a teacher and no one can take that from me- not even the person who claims that they are the reason why I became a teacher in the first place.

Everyone is a teacher. Sometimes, our best teachers are people who are examples of how we shouldn’t behave and that it is up to every single one of us to hold one another accountable when respect, kindness and morality is being threatened.

20 choses que je suis plus fort que


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Je suis fermement convaincu que la force commence par l'esprit. Lorsque vous êtes fort dans votre esprit, il est plus facile de surmonter tout défi, que ce soit un défi physique, émotionnel ou mental.

Une fois que nous avons décidé de dépasser quelque chose, nous avons vaincu la moitié de la bataille.

Cela étant dit, j'ai compilé une liste de 20 choses que je promets d'être plus fortes que:

1. Mes peurs.

2. Mes doutes.

3. Les projections de quelqu'un d'autre.

4. L’opinion de quelqu'un d'autre sur moi.

5. Mon passé.

6. vibrations négatives.

7. Limites de la société.

8. Restrictions financières.

9. Un coeur brisé.

10. Reprendre l’histoire de quelqu'un d’autre.

11. Limitations précédentes que je me suis imposées.

12. Inauthenticité.

13. Mensonge.

14. Trahison.

15. Se sentir moins que.

16. Se sentir inadéquat.

17. Les doutes de quelqu'un d'autre.

18. faux amis.

19. Mauvaises intentions.

20. Les gens qui ont choisi d'être dans ma vie.