
9 Redefinitions of success in my 30s.

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Image from Unsplash

I heard a quote last week and it said, ‘There are two kinds of people in The World: real or fake.’- Anon. 

Which is apparent currently (most of us are at home) when social media and YouTube clips reveal who is able to sit with themselves in peace and be authentic vs. those who are grabbing at attention and desire validation. You don’t have to be a celebrity to crave attention. Social media is fun but needing validation through it is concerning. 

I spent a lot of my life in the hamster wheel of needing to be ‘successful’ and pressured myself into jobs that I didn’t like and surrounded myself with (mostly) people who had the same agenda. 8 years ago, I made a decision to leave that behind and I am very grateful for it. Sure, I would like to own a house and have a few million in the bank but that is still coming. And, when it does, I won’t have to start to get to know myself because I am connected to myself already. 

Here are 9 redefinitions of success in my 30s: 

1. Being surrounded by sincere and well-meaning people. 

2. Feeling loved by myself and others. 

3. Being the change that I want to see. 

4. Speaking and acting from a place of authenticity; not to please others. 

5. Being healthy, mentally and physically. 

6. Manifesting dreams that raise the energetic level of consciousness, harmony and kindness. 

7. Understanding that my actions create the karma that I will receive in my life. 

8. Working hard and smart, not at the expense of my health and well-being. 

9. Enjoying my life because it should be lived through, not passed by. 

9 Affirmations to stabilize fear.

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Image by Unsplash

With all the fear in the atmosphere regarding being quarantined and not being able to work and have a regular a regular schedule, I feel that it is necessary to not allow this energy to lower our vibration. 

We have come so far as a collective to not go back to a time when yes, we had things to worry about. But, we used it as ammunition to spread hate, animosity and lack of community. This is not a time to panic and worry. It is a time to reflect. Sometimes situations like this are sent to us to ground us, help us find gratitude and question how we got there in the first place. 

We all know that fear creates stress and this thinking has an effect on our immune system. 

So, instead of freaking out, let’s a moment to place our hands on our hearts, light a candle, incense, nurture ourselves and each other. 

Here are 9 affirmations that help stabilize fear: 

1. ‘Everything is always working out in my favour’- taken from Abraham Hicks meditation. Sometimes our favour might not be how we imagined it to be. 

2. I am in the flow of allowing and letting go. 

3. I am done holding onto things that want to leave my life. 

4. What is going right? 

5. How can I find gratitude? 

6. Thy will be done whether I am at peace with it or not. Being at peace with it makes my life easier. 

7. Change is constant.

8. How can I be a blessing? 

9. My life is too precious to spend worrying about something that I have little control over. 

What it took to get to me- abundance.

Image from Unsplash

Image from Unsplash

It took letting go of what I didn’t need

To get to me

It took me learning to be happy for myself and others

To get to me

It took me releasing old conditions that limited what I reap

To get to me

It took me believing that I am capable of anything magnificent and powerful

To get to me

It took me letting go of people who don’t believe in me and themselves 

To get to me

It took me accepting that I am in control of my life

To get to me

It took me elevating my consciousness and vibration 

To get to me

It took me developing a daily meditation and spiritual practice

To get to me

It took me accepting that I am unique and meant to be so

To get to me

It took me accepting my purpose and call

To get to me

It took me surrounding myself with supportive, compassionate and understanding people

To get to me

It took me acknowledging that not everyone is going to like me and I am not going to like everyone 

To get to me

It took me releasing thoughts based on fear

To get to me

It took me allowing myself to shine bright

To get to me

It took me reminding myself that I am in alignment with abundance

To get to me

*To learn more about abundance. Sign up for our FREE course here

3 Reasons why practicing Satya is so important as a yoga teacher and practitioner.

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Image by Unsplash

I love teaching yoga. It is my passion and has given me a foundation for growth, elevation and the ability to expand my beliefs beyond what I thought I knew. I used to have limited thoughts, sometimes still do; however, yoga has helped me believe there is more than I might think. It has opened my mind to the unknown, instead of fearing it. 

I have been teaching yoga for seven years now and there is a reason why many of the people that I went to training with are not teaching or don’t even practice anymore. It is not for the faint-hearted and it is not everyone’s destiny. Which is okay. 

As a yoga teacher, I believe that it is important for me to stay true to the integrity of the practice and devote my time and energy to the authenticity of this mind, body and spirit connection. 

Here are 3 reasons why practicing Satya (non-falsehood) are so important: 

1. Without truth, we have nothing. 

How I made it to yoga was just like most of our stories, I had a previous belief system that I needed to be at war in order to live life to my full potential. I had to face that truth to change it. I remember lying down on my mat during a hot yoga class and crying my eyes out as I wept about a romantic situation that I had been forcing myself into. My truth at that time is that, he and I were more in battle than in union and I felt it in my body every time that I practiced. 

Even though I practiced yoga 5 times a week, I had been running away from this truth- which I needed to face because until I came to terms with what I had to, I wasn’t truly living. Sometimes we think that running away from honesty means that we are strong but the truth always catches up to us and we understand that it is brave to face it and stop running away. 

2. Wellness is based on reality

Honestly, I haven’t always been well as a yoga teacher and I have had times where I have been a hypocrite because I have spoken from a place of asking others to be at peace and face their truth when I have done the opposite. I have had moments when I have taught tired, annoyed and while going through some serious emotional pain. 

One day, I was in class and felt so depleted that I could hardly speak. This was a sign that I needed to be honest with myself and let go of the need to be right and above others when I am human. Especially because I teach, I need to be truthful with myself and face if I am unwell so that I can become well. 

3. Being authentic helps us align with our purpose. 

I have been traveling and along my travels, I take class at different studios. I recently practiced at a boutique studio outside of The U.S. and heard conversations in the changing room after a magnificent class. Another teacher had mentioned how her mentor was missing and my instinct was to ask if he was okay. Which I did. My question was followed by an answer that he was okay, then the teacher said that her mentor had told her all of his teachings and now she was able to teach and take his place. 

I was in shock because instead of showing compassion, she used this as a platform to promote her class. Which seemed very inappropriate. It was a learning lesson for me that, there is a time and a place. Being a teacher can be competitive because we are not always sure if we can get numbers up and develop a steady following which can sustain a class that we have been given. In these past seven years, I have learnt that if I am truthful and teach from a place of integrity and devotion, students will show up. I can encourage people to take my class; however, there is no need to force anyone to take my class because forcing only repels people from my intention. 

Not everyone will take my class and that is okay. I would rather have students who are genuinely interested in yoga and what I have to offer than those who don’t want to be there anyways. I will not force, lie and compete to have anything and anyone in my life- and that carries into my yoga practice and teachings.

Walk into 2018 with these four empowering mantras.

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Image by Getty Images

I’m not sure about you, but 2017 was a challenging year for me.Although I am grateful for the character building characteristics of being challenged; a little ease and positivity after it most certainly feels good.




As a firm-believer of affirmations and manifestations, it is important to keep ourselves motivated and empowered regardless of what happens to us.


We said goodbye to 2017 and now let’s welcome 2018 with love and assurance that our best days are ahead of us, with these mantras:


1. I am stronger than my challenges because I am still here.


Regardless of how difficult some things may seem while you are in them. Once they are done, it is clear that you are stronger than them because you are still here and your problems or challenges are not. If they are, I can guarantee you that there will be a moment in time when they won’t be with you anymore.


2. Breathe, believe and succeed.


In my opinion, the equation to a fulfilled life is remaining at peace, believing in yourself , what you love and doing the hard work. It’s important to remain calm because worrying during this process will block your blessings. To be blessed, you must be open to receive your blessings. Negativity and worry only blocks that,


3. There is power in now.


This mantra can be applied to all areas of your life. It can help you practice being in the present moment, it can help you make the most of the moment and it can remind you to live this moment because it will be gone. Choose what it means to you. And, use it to progress this year.
4. Feed your destiny.

I heard this mantra from a sermon by Joel Osteen. In the sermon, he explained that it is easy to go through periods in time that are challenging and to get caught up in being negative; however, feeding your past can only get in your own way. To maximize the potential of your future, use words and energy that positively impact your future and what lies ahead.


🇫🇷Marcher en 2018 avec ces quatre mantras habilitants.

Je ne suis pas sûr de vous, mais 2017 a été une année difficile pour moi.Bien que je suis reconnaissant pour les caractéristiques de construction du personnage d'être contesté; un peu de facilité et de positivité après tout cela se sent certainement bien. En tant que fervent défenseur des affirmations et des manifestations, il est important de rester motivé et responsabilisé indépendamment de ce qui nous arrive.

Nous avons dit au revoir à 2017 et maintenant accueillons 2018 avec amour et assurance que nos meilleurs jours sont devant nous, avec ces mantras:


1. Je suis plus fort que mes défis parce que je suis toujours là.

Indépendamment de la difficulté que certaines choses peuvent sembler pendant que vous êtes dedans. Une fois qu'ils ont terminé, il est clair que vous êtes plus fort qu'eux parce que vous êtes toujours là et que vos problèmes ou vos défis ne le sont pas. Si c'est le cas, je peux vous garantir qu'il y aura un moment où ils ne seront plus avec vous.


2.Respirez croyez et réussissez.

À mon avis, l'équation d'une vie accomplie reste en paix, en croyant en soi-même, en ce que vous aimez et en faisant le dur labeur. Il est important de rester calme car s'inquiéter pendant ce processus bloquera vos bénédictions. Pour être béni, vous devez être ouvert à recevoir vos bénédictions. La négativité et l'inquiétude ne font que bloquer cela.


3. Il y a du pouvoir maintenant.

Ce mantra peut être appliqué à tous les domaines de votre vie. Il peut vous aider à vous entraîner dans le moment présent, il peut vous aider à profiter au maximum du moment et vous rappeler de vivre ce moment car il sera parti. Choisissez ce que cela signifie pour vous. Et, utilisez-le pour progresser cette année.


4. Nourrissez votre destin.

 J'ai entendu ce mantra d'un sermon par Joel Osteen. Dans le sermon, il a expliqué qu'il est facile de traverser des périodes difficiles et de se laisser prendre au piège de la négativité; cependant, nourrir votre passé ne peut que vous suivre à votre façon. Pour maximiser le potentiel de votre avenir, utilisez des mots et de l'énergie qui ont un impact positif sur votre avenir et sur ce qui vous attend.


🇨🇮Caminar hacia 2018 con cuatro mantras de empoderamiento.


No estoy seguro de ti, pero 2017 fue un año desafiante para mí. Aunque estoy agradecido por las características de construcción del carácter de ser desafiado; un poco de facilidad y positividad después de que se sienta bien.

Como firme creyente de afirmaciones y manifestaciones, es importante mantenernos motivados y con poder independientemente de lo que nos suceda. Nos despedimos de 2017 y ahora recibamos 2018 con amor y seguridad de que nuestros mejores días nos esperan, con estos mantras:


1. Soy más fuerte que mis desafíos porque todavía estoy aquí.

Independientemente de cuán difíciles pueden parecer algunas cosas mientras estás en ellas. Una vez que terminan, está claro que usted es más fuerte que ellos porque todavía está aquí y sus problemas o desafíos no lo están. Si lo son, te puedo garantizar que habrá un momento en el que ya no estarán contigo.


2. Respira, cree y triunfa.

En mi opinión, la ecuación para una vida plena es permanecer en paz, creer en ti mismo, lo que amas y hacer el trabajo duro. Es importante mantener la calma porque preocuparse durante este proceso bloqueará tus bendiciones. Para ser bendecido, debes estar abierto para recibir tus bendiciones. La negatividad y la preocupación solo bloquean eso,


3. Hay poder ahora.

Este mantra se puede aplicar a todas las áreas de tu vida. Puede ayudarte a practicar el estar en el momento presente, puede ayudarte a aprovechar al máximo el momento y puede recordarte vivir este momento porque ya no estará. Elija lo que significa para usted. Y úsala para progresar este año.


4. Alimenta tu destino.

Escuché este mantra de un sermón de Joel Osteen. En el sermón, explicó que es fácil atravesar períodos en el tiempo que son desafiantes y quedar atrapado en ser negativo; sin embargo, alimentar su pasado solo puede ponerse a su manera. Para maximizar el potencial de su futuro, use palabras y energía que tengan un impacto positivo en su futuro y en lo que le espera.