live your best life

4 More things that I am healing from generational trauma.

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Image from Unsplash

In the past year, I have had the fortune to heal immensely and I am so grateful. I used to think that healing was about what I was going through at that time until I met my most recent partner, who had narcissistic tendencies. I spent some time blaming him until I had to understand how I had allowed it and what had led me to that point. 

As I started to delve deep into healing from that relationship, many things rushed to the surface and so my healing began. 

We are always in the process of healing; however, we can acknowledge the how we have healed up until now. 

Here are 4 generational traumas that I am healing from:

1. Thinking that femininity is weak. 

We place a lot of emphasis on male toxicity and it can be detrimental to society. However, we make it seem as though women or feminine energy is weak and incapable of destruction- this is not true. Divine feminine is very powerful and once we heal ourselves, we can tap into that energy that is one of surrendering, trusting and being led. 

I am proud to say that a lot of my energy is that of surrendering and allowing. I want a divine masculine energy to enter my life and take on a leadership role. So that we can create magic together, the divine feminine and the divine masculine. 

2. Leaving the female cult. 

I went to an All Girls’ School for most of my life and it was one of the worst experiences I have been through. I was bullied to think like others, told I was fat and when I behaved differently, I would be ridiculed. Going to this School introduced me to societal female cult that many of us promote without us acknowledging.

I, too, have been a bully and been an example of how a toxic feminine energy embodies herself and it was only until I accepted that I was a destructive force that I was able to change my ways. 

I have left the group thinking that women need to always stick together or that a woman can do no wrong because it allowed me to act harmfully and accept harmful behavior. 

3. Thinking that Mother’s are God’s gift to earth. 

If you had told me a year ago that I would choose to not have my Mother in my life, I would’ve asked you what is wrong with you. It’s interesting that my healing has led me to forgiving my parents and deciding to no longer have my Mother in my life. 

It seems like a harsh decision; however, there comes a time in our lives when we have to decide what is good for us and when we are done fighting and putting up with emotional abuse from others. 

As a society, we focus on the screw-ups of our Fathers but, are too afraid to admit the harsh truths of Mothers. Most are manipulative, unkind and are trying to have their children be how they want them to be and not how God wants them to be. The meanest things that anyone has ever said to me have come from my Mother’s mouth and that is why she has tried to keep me silent by manipulating me and portraying me as a bad person. However, I am so at peace with who I am and the decisions that I have made that I have forgiven, told my truth and I let it go. 

If we are really at peace with ourselves, we don’t need to force someone else to think a certain way. We love how we think and we love how others think. That is true love. 

4. Loving without conditions

I’ve briefly touched on this in former articles. I grew up in a culture that was raised to think that just because you go to a good school, are fed and dressed that you are loved. This is not true. A parents job is to do those things that I mentioned and I am sincerely grateful for it but using what we give to someone against them is not love; it is manipulation and guilt. 

I have had some great examples of love from other adults and from my Father. However, as an adult, I have had to re-learn love without conditions and have decided to shed the idea that forcing someone to think and act the way that I want them to is love. Love is patient and kind- not controlling. I am glad that I have been able to see this and can embody acceptance, kindness and truth as love. 

Please check out our courses here to elevate yourself and heal.

*This is a memoir-style and is not based on facts.

9 Things that I will never do again.

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Image from Unsplash

Learning is a big part of life and, obviously, the more I grow, the more I learn. I don’t believe in failure, I only believe in lessons and blessings. Whatever form it takes at that time. 

I have made some mistakes in my life and I am grateful because without them, I would not have acquired the knowledge that I have from them. 

So, here are 9 Things I will never do again: 

1. Believe that another human is above me. 

2. Stop myself from being present. 

3. Give in to fearful thoughts. 

4. Control and manipulate another for my Ego’s gain. 

5. Think I know everything there is to know. 

6. Close myself off to forgiveness. 

7. Not believe in second chances. 

8. Love with conditions. Relationships have boundaries but love doesn’t. Sometimes we have to take a step away from someone to love them fully. 

9. Think that I am done growing while my heart is still beating and my lungs are still taking in air. 

9 Reasons why I forgive my Mother.

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Image by Unsplash

We spend a lot of emphasis, as a society, on forgiving our Father’s; however, little on forgiveness towards our Mother’s. I am not here to write something hateful but a piece that is truthful. Truth is love. 

I would be lying if I said that I felt completely supported and loved by Mother but it has taken me maturing to understand that how she loved me and raised me is between her and God. 

Through forgiveness, I can let go of the direct and indirect pain caused by her towards me as a child so that I can discontinue the hurt that was created. 

Mother’s are human and just like other humans, they deserve forgiveness, too. 

Here are 9 Reasons I forgive my Mother: 

1. I forgive her because she knew not what did/ does. 

2. I forgive her because I choose to love her from a distance. 

3. I forgive her because even though how I was raised created trauma; it was intended that way so that I could heal from it and help others do the same. 

4. I forgive her because I have the real power over my life. 

5. I forgive her because I can’t hold her hostage for the rest of my life for past wrongdoing. 

6. I forgive her because there is enough hate in the world already. 

7. I forgive her because my healing is my responsibility. 

8. I forgive her because hating her will only affect me. 

9. I forgive her because I deserve true and love  peace within my heart. 

9 Choses que j'apprends.

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L'une des plus grandes choses que je dois admettre en tant qu'adulte est la façon dont nous avons été conditionnés pour penser d'une certaine manière. Ce qui devient évident lorsque quelqu'un qui ne pense pas comme les masses exprime son opinion. Ils sont souvent accueillis avec rage, jugement et critique. C'est très inutile.

Bien que je n'aie pas toujours agi sur ce point, je crois en l'individualisme et à la pensée critique, car ce qui fonctionne pour vous peut ne pas fonctionner pour un autre. Dans la société occidentale, nous avons le choix de nous responsabiliser avec nos pensées et nos actions. Parfois, nous oublions cela.

J'ai appris beaucoup de choses, mais voici seulement 9 d'entre elles:

1. Ce qui me convient n'a pas besoin d'être approuvé par quelqu'un d'autre.

2. C'est à moi de faire ce dont j'ai besoin.

3. Attendre qu'une autre personne me voie ou me valide est une perte de temps.

4. Réagir à une personne négative donne à l'autre le pouvoir.

5. Tout le monde ne comprend pas la valeur de la paix.

6. La croissance est toujours possible. Je dois juste le faire étape par étape.

7. Parfois, la santé est un effort physique, oui! Mais, parfois, il abandonne des personnes qui ont laissé le poison et la peur les contrôler.

8. Faites confiance à ce que vous savez. Pas ce qui vous a été forcé à la gorge.

9. Nous ne pouvons atteindre notre plein potentiel qu'en guérissant de l'intérieur vers l'extérieur.

9 Ways to de-stress.

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Image from Unsplash

We are in some pretty hectic times and although life can’t always be easy and smooth, we must remember that stress has a direct correlation to the increase of illnesses and deaths because it impacts our immune system. 

So, please make sure that you are taking steps to calm yourself so that your body can restore. Physical trauma can leave un-necessary wear and tear. 

Here are 9 ways to de-stress: 

1. Meditation. 

2. Light lavender candles. 

3. Place lavender droplets on your bed. 

4. Massage your body with lavender oil. 

5. Yin Yoga, great for restoration: joint and tissue relaxation. 

6. Burn some sage, lavender incense or palo santo. 

7. Breathwork. 

8. Journaling: write down who you forgive and what you you want to let go of. 

9. Pray. Surrender your stresses to The High Power.

Clich here for our de-stressing products.

9 Choses que j'ai dû admettre quand j'ai décidé de guérir.


La guérison est un processus et un voyage à vie. Je ne suis pas ici pour vous dire que je sais tout et que je suis meilleur que vous. Je suis humain et, tout comme vous, j'ai eu des hauts et des bas. C'est la vie et je questionne quiconque pense le contraire. Cette dernière année a été l'une des périodes les plus révélatrices et guérissantes de ma vie parce que j'ai découvert des schémas abusifs dans les relations, les familles et les situations de travail.

Avec cette décision de guérir vient le moment où je devais être honnête avec moi-même sur tout, mon passé, le présent et ce que je veux pour l'avenir.

Voici 9 choses que je devais m'avouer lorsque j'ai décidé de guérir:

1. Vous pourriez vous retrouver seul la plupart du temps mais vous n'êtes pas seul. Dieu est avec toi.

2. Certaines personnes peuvent devenir jalouses et penser que vous allez mieux, mais c'est leur projection.

3. Vous éprouverez beaucoup de regrets du passé sur la façon dont vous avez géré certaines choses, pardonnez-vous.

4. Vous ne voudrez peut-être pas faire le travail, mais cela rapporte toujours.

5. L'intention ne suffit pas. Nos actions doivent également correspondre à notre intention.

6. Vous pourriez perdre des amis et des membres de la famille pour différentes raisons. Tout le monde n'est pas censé vous accompagner là où vous allez. C'est d'accord.

7. La croissance n'est pas pour les timides et irrationnels.

8. Les gens qui veulent vous faire taire ne vous méritent pas.

9. Respirez et pardonnez. Pardonnez-vous, aux autres et à tout ce qui vous entrave. Vous méritez la liberté et cela vient une fois que vous avez été honnête avec vous-même.

9 Forms of strength that are worth embracing.

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Image from Unsplash

When the word strong appears in my mind, I often think of physical strength. Which, is a real thing, yes! However, sometimes I forget about the other ways that we can develop our strength, mentally or physically. 

Evolution of any circumstance requires strength because we have to decide whether or not we can pull through and make it to the other side. 

Especially during this time, I have been reminded that strength shows up in many different forms and here are a few of them that are worth embracing: 

1. Listening- we all want to be heard but very few take the time to listen. 

2. Kindness- genuinely. Not for a prize or for others but so that we can feel good about who we are as contributors in This World.

3. Commitment- we can all give up. But, what do we have to show for ourselves if we do? 

4. Self-awareness- looking at ourselves and what we can do to be better is empowering because the we can do something about it. 

5. Accountability- that way once we have started something, we finish it. 

6. Morality- defining what we stand for, clearly, so that we have purpose. 

7. Devotion- Committing to the betterment of a situation or person so that we know that we gave it our all. 

8. Differentiating when to fight for something or to let it go- it’s a balance that when mastered, you will become unstoppable. 

9. Giving peace it’s value- only through stillness can we absorb all of the other forms of strength within ourselves. 

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9 More reasons to forgive.

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Image from Unsplash

To say that these times have been challenging, is merely just touching the surface. They have been an array of different emotions, thoughts actions- for me. In the midst of this process, I have come to some resolutions and conclusions about certain areas of my life. 

The focus of my career, who I surround myself with and if I am doing my best to stand firm in my truth. The answers that have shown up definitely vary. But, one thing is for certain, I made a clear decision to let go of people and things where it wasn’t reciprocal. I try my best to be understanding and compassionate, I may not always get it right but we are all allowed to create a life we deserve. That is not selfish or narcissistic, it is clear boundaries. 

In the spirit of doing this, I have decided to forgive. Forgive myself and others because that, to me, is the foundation of spirituality and growth. 

Here are 9 reasons why I forgive: 

1. I forgive because I want to create positivity in This World. 

2. I forgive because the past is over and, it may hurt sometimes, but it doesn’t depict my future unless I let it. 

3. I forgive because not everyone is meant to be on my level. Vice versa. 

4. I forgive because some people may not have my intentions at heart but that is not my business. 

5. I forgive because my elevation is my choice. 

6. I forgive because I deserve to be surrounded by people who care for me as much I care about them. 

7. I forgive because waiting for an apology is a waste of time. 

8. I forgive because I can’t control the uncontrollable. 

9. I forgive because there is nothing more powerful than peace.

**Sign up for one of our courses here

3 Things that I have learnt about toxic femininity.

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Image from Unsplash

When I began this (now) successful blog and magazine, I had no idea how well it would be received. Three years ago, after I went through something traumatic in my life, I decided to do the real work and as I did the work, I would document it and tell others how I had healed or was still healing from something that I had gone through in my life. 

I made a decision to be as authentic as possible and it has been difficult to be this vulnerable but very necessary. I believe that we need to be honest with one another to move forward in our lives. Whether that honesty shows up with a smile, a bitter rant or an apology. Not saying that we should be mean but being honest won’t always be pretty and nice. 

I would be lying to you if I told you that I have always been surrounded by supportive females and people who genuinely wanted the best for me. It would be an even bigger lie if I told you that I haven’t fallen into the trap of female toxicity where (as a collective) women have been raised to compete with one another, be mean to each other and gossip about each other in front or behind our backs. 

Even though I have hurtful memories of many females doing this to me, I have also had my fair share of being unkind and mean to others. And, for that, I apologize. It is only until recently that I fully understood what it means to be a productive and healthy female representative in The World. 

Here are 3 things that I have learnt about female toxicity:

1. We have to change it. 

When I think of the word toxic, I often think of ingesting something into my body that is poisonous- forgetting about my mind and actions. Female toxicity may not be ingested but it is a culture we have developed where we put each other down and are too afraid to see another women shine. Examples of this are all around: Reality shows, family dynamics even school&work dynamics also. 

Like with anything else, it won’t change unless we do the work. I can tell you from experience that being a healthy and supportive woman is way better than being one who is manipulative, cunning and insecure. I have been one of those and have done (and am still doing) the work of finding out what it really means to be happy and healthy- it didn’t come from looking at others, being mean to others and judging others. It came from me looking at myself and admitting that I was not happy with how I behaved and contributed to The World. 

2. It’s toxic for a reason.

The term masculine toxicity has been thrown around a lot lately and, I believe, it to be overused. Although we are comfortable speaking about how men can be mean, intimidating and abuse their power, as women we are afraid to look at how we can also be the same way. 

The meanest things that have ever been done to me have been done so by a woman. I am not saying that all women are mean; however, we have developed a culture of bonding in negativity. I have had deep secrets told in High School, been called fat and, friends (until recently) constantly berate me for me being who I am. 

You might ask why I was so comfortable accepting this kind of behaviour? The plain and simple answer (if I had to only choose one) is that, as a whole, we do not have role models of women being kind to each other. I accepted that I might never have friends who were kind and loving. In the past few years, I have proven that to be untrue and will never accept mean and catty behaviour in my life moving forward. But, it has taught me that unless we change something, it can be so toxic that it embeds a culture at all levels in society. 

3. We will never be at our best if we are tearing one another down. 

In the past year, I made a decision to only have people in my life who support me and are kind to me. Yes, we will have our arguments but I would rather hear things said to me than find them out about me. As I have set clear boundaries for the kind of people that I want in my life, I have heard my supportive and loving friends tell me stories of how they trusted another female who backstabbed them and did something unmentionable to them too. 

The irony is that we are in the post- ‘me too’ era where we constantly speak about how men have stopped us from reaching our full potential. But, what about the females? Yes, some men have been mean and unkind to me but the amount of women who have portrayed similar actions probably doubles that. We need to look at how we are bonding with one another and ask ourselves if we should congregate over gossip and negativity, or out of love and support. 

Calling out our male counterparts is important, yes! But, true healing starts with us. We will never elevate the energetic female consciousness until we acknowledge how we have hurt other females and what actions we need to take moving forward to not do so in the future. 

*This is dedicated to any female who has gossiped about me, berated me and tried to tear me down. I know that you did it from a place of insecurity. As I have done with others. 

An Introduction to Angel Numbers.

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Image from Unsplash

One of the big parts of alignment, in Spiritual terms, is seeing a synchronicity of numbers. Repeated formation of numbers like, 111, 222, 333... etc. Of course, these are not the only numbers that we see. However these are the most common. 

When one sees these numbers, they have different spiritual references. Essentially, they are messages from Angels to guide you to your most aligned and enlightened self. 

Here are a few examples and explanations of Angel numbers that you might be seeing:


The number 1 signifies the beginning of something new. However, triple 1 signifies alignment. We see these numbers when we are most connected to Source and are able to visualize what we want and receive it. This is the number of manifestation. 


 2, specifically 22, is the highest vibrational number. You will most likely see this when you have been meditating a lot and your chakras are in alignment. It suggests that you have been doing the spiritual work and are on the right path. When you see this number, it generally means that you are headed in the right direction. 


Although many people have different versions of this. I conquer that this number is associated with something new coming into our lives to provide balance. 3 is the number of trinity, the perfect balance. When you see this number, pay attention to what has entered your life and how it is having an effect on your life- how it is providing you with balance. 


This has been the number that I have seen the most. It is a message from The Angels of letting go and trusting. When you see this number, you are being guided to trust that things will get better because The Angels know more about the situation than you do. So, surrender your worries to them and they will help you. 


This trinity of numbers suggests that a big change is coming your way, it is usually associated with a spiritual transformation. For example, I saw this number before I met my twin flame. When you see this number, be prepared to be transformed and enlightened. 


Similarly to 111, this number suggests that The Angels are telling you that you are highly aware and able to manifest. However, the added 1, is a number of high vibration. When you see this number, you are radiant and in the prime vibration for spiritual partnership, protection and manifestation. 

*Our Alignment course starts 4/7/2020. Sign up here by 4/6/2020

Ukuze ufike kimi.

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Isitombe se-Unsplash

Kuthatha ukuyeka lokho engingakudingi Ukuze ufike kimi
Kwangithatha ukufunda ukuzijabulisa ngami nabanye Ukuze ufike kimi

Kungithathe ukukhulula izimo zakudala ezazinqunyelwe lokho engikuvunayo Ukuze ufike kimi

Kungithathe ngakholelwa ukuthi ngiyakwazi ukwenza noma yini enhle futhi enamandla Ukuze ufike kimi

Kungithathe ukuyeka ukuhamba kwabantu abangakholelwa kimi nakubo uqobo Ukuze ufike kimi

Kungithathe ngamukele ukuthi sengilawula impilo yami Ukuze ufike kimi

Kungithathe ukukhulisa ukwazi kwami ​​nokudlidliza kwami Ukuze ufike kimi

Kwangithatha ukwakha ukuzindla nsuku zonke nokuzilolonga ngokomoya Ukuze ufike kimi

Kwangithatha ukwamukela ukuthi ngihlukile futhi ngihlose ukuba njalo Ukuze ufike kimi

Kungithathe ngamukele inhloso yami kanye nocingo Ukuze ufike kimi

Kungithathe ngasondelana nabantu abangisekelayo, abanobubele nabaqondayo Ukuze ufike kimi

Kungithathe isikhathi ngivuma ukuthi akuyena wonke umuntu ozongithanda futhi ngeke ngithande wonke umuntu Ukuze ufike kimi

Kungithathe ukukhulula imicabango esekwe ngokwesaba Ukuze ufike kimi

Kungithathe ukuzivumela ukuthi ngikhanye Ukuze ufike kimi

Kungithathe ukuzikhumbuza ukuthi ngihambisane nobuningi Ukuze ufike kimi

12 Affirmations that I want to remind myself of in 2020.

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Image by Unsplash

Alas, it is 2020! The last decade, particularly last year, has been filled with many lessons and blessings. I am grateful for every single thing and person in my life because they have either taught me something or supported me in my growth.

This year, in spiritual numbers is calculated to 22. Which is a master number. The number 22 is associated with bringing manifestations into fruition. In order to do that, one must stay positive and in the right direction.

So, to make sure that I do, here are 12 affirmations to support that:

1. I am worthy of love.

2. I am worthy of time and affection.

3. I stand in my light.

4. I am light.

5. I am capable of creating a healthy life.

6. I progress from old patterns and create new ones.

7. I choose peace.

8. I take responsibility for my life and my past.

9. I am co-creating my life.

10. I am conscious and stand in purpose.

11. I am abundant.

12. I spread love and receive love.

12 Affirmations pour vous protéger contre les vampires énergétiques, les narcissiques et les personnalités abusives.

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Image de Unsplash

C’est une belle période de l’année et alors que beaucoup d’entre nous célèbrent, certains d’entre nous traînent peut-être plus avec leurs proches. Se réunir avec des êtres chers peut être amusant, mais parfois, cela peut être épuisant.

Dans chaque groupe de personnes, il y a des gens qui ont de bonnes intentions et ceux qui n'en ont pas. Si vous êtes quelqu'un qui apporte la vie et la lumière, vous remarquerez peut-être des gens qui viennent vous voir pour votre temps parce que vous le donnerez. Cependant, ce n'est pas parce que vous êtes léger que vous devez toujours le partager. Vous pouvez en garder pour vous et vous protéger des personnes qui veulent votre lumière.

Voici 12 affirmations pour vous protéger des personnes qui veulent voler votre lumière:

1. Je suis une bonne personne.

2. Je peux parfois dire «non».

3. J'ai de bonnes intentions.

4. L'opinion de quelqu'un sur moi est une opinion.

5. Je donne à ceux qui me rendent.

6. Je suis ma propre source d'énergie.

7. Je me remplis d'amour et d'affection.

8. J'en ai assez.

9. Je me valide.

10. Je peux en influencer un autre mais je ne peux pas en sauver un autre.

11. Je donne du respect aux autres et je retrouve le respect.

12. La vérité est ma fondation.

12 Liberating things that I have learnt in life.

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Image from Unsplash

Life is filled with lessons. Most of us go through life learning them for ourselves. As a stubborn Aquarius, I have a tendency to want to experience something (myself) in order for it to sink in, fully. And, sometimes that involves me going through a challenging account or event for it to it to fully be understood.

Honestly, I’ve fallen many times and gotten up many times. Life has been rough, fun, messy, challenging and imperfect but I would never take any of it back because, to me, that is the whole point.

Here are 12 liberating things that I have learnt:

1. I am not alive to prove anything to anyone else, only to myself.

2. I am not meant to be liked by everyone.

3. Growth is a choice.

4. Commitment does not have to be long-term to everyone.

5. Sometimes silence is profound.

6. Sometimes negativity in people and things is not worth acknowledging.

7. I am the last person that I should give up on.

8. Impossibilities can sometimes become possible.

9. Not everyone is meant to be my friend.

10. When someone doesn’t like me, that is their choice. I don’t have to force them to like me or change their mind about me.

11. My life is in my hands.

12. I can have an influence on someone else but I have no control over anyone else other than myself.

The biggest lesson that I learnt when my mentor made sexual advances on me.

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Image by Unsplash

In light of the new Bikram documentary on Netflix, I feel that it is my duty to share this story. I promised that I would never tell this story (out of shame); however, the more that I learn about sexual predators and the nature of how they operate, the more that I come to understand how little it has to do with the prey and more with the person who does the preying.This is a contradiction to what I had known before this incident happened to me.

Every and any industry is filled with predators; my story is one of a mentor that I had when I wanted to become a yoga teacher. As I start to write these words, I can feel a gulp in my throat and my eyes heat up as I get emotional but I promised to tell this story- no matter how difficult it is and the backlash that I will receive for doing so.

Approximately 7 years ago, I became a yoga teacher and I had been assigned different teachers to be my mentors during the process. It was an intense time in my life. Prior to my decision to become a yoga teacher, I was a waitress and had discovered the benefits of a consistent hot yoga practice. I was dead-set on becoming a yoga teacher and the person who asked me was one of my teachers, I looked up to him.

Although I have never believed in admiring any one person, I was passionate about the way that he taught, what he had to offer and his authenticity to the practice. As a practitioner, I was definitely influenced by him. One day, after class, he approached me and asked me if I was going to become a teacher because he believed in me. Words cannot describe how I felt when he said that to me. But, if I had to choose one, I would choose flattered.

By sheer coincidence, I ended up taking his class often after that. The studio that he taught at (and I practiced at) didn’t have a schedule so every class you took, you were surprised by who was teaching you. I had always (and still have) been fond of this idea because I became detached from who was teaching and focused on my practice.

As a result of our coinciding schedules, I would take his class 3-4 times a week and noticed that he would place extra effort and energy on me during class. On one of my birthdays, he wished me happy birthday and put his hand down my bra while I was in savasana (dead-corpse pose).I was in utter and complete shock. I started crying. I cried for the rest of class because one of my biggest fears had come true: an older man who was mentoring me only did so because of what I looked like as opposed to truly believing in me, my strength as a practitioner and my potential as a teacher.

I contemplated not going through with the teacher-training but I had already put down my non-refundable deposit. For days, I would think about it and become heartbroken and upset about this teacher. Even though, he did this to me, I went back to practice. I told myself that there were other teachers that I could learn from. I decided to do what most women do regularly, I shut off a part of my self-worth/esteem and I decided to continue to practice there and go through with the teacher-training.

I made a decision to set some boundaries, like not speaking to him, focus on the yoga when he was teaching and distance myself for making any solid connections with male teachers and practitioners. In retrospect, what I had to do was unfair and unjust but I felt so isolated in my decision-making. I knew that if I told my friends and family, they would wonder about my sanity and question why I was so obsessed with this yoga studio? Honestly, I did wonder about my sanity but I saw the big picture of being a teacher more than this issue with my mentor.

My plan to distance myself from him failed. My 23 year-old self didn’t understand that predators thrive off of attention and notice when their prey is not falling into their trap anymore. So, they usually try to breakdown the boundaries that you create when you distance yourself from them. One day, I was in a backbend on the floor and he placed his genitals in front of my face. I looked away from them. He pretended to give me an adjustment (still while I was in this backbend) but instead, pushed my head to look at them. I was so flustered and frozen that I broke down crying again. I proceeded to act like nothing had happened and after class, he came up to me while I was putting on my shoes and asked me why I was crying. I became enraged and stormed out.

I was stubborn about my plan of becoming a teacher that I decided to ignore what he was doing and keep my conversations with him minimal. This time, my plan worked until I was about to graduate from my teacher-training and I was assigned him as the teacher that I was meant to teach with, in order to pass graduation. To this day, I am not sure if this was purposeful or by accident. However, my nerves were out of control when I found out that I would be co-teaching my pre-graduation class with him.

Before I graduated from teacher-training, I was meant to give dialogue to a full class with a teacher and he was the teacher that I was meant to teach the class with. I found out just before I was meant to teach the class. I decided to breathe and get through it. Before we started, we were meant to have a ‘pow wow’ where we spoke about what I would teach and how he would interject. He said that I should teach the class and if he thinks that I am doing ‘badly’, he will start teaching. He told me that he had faith in me and that I would do great.

As the class commenced, I taught the first two postures and when I was in mid-sentence, he cut me off. He abruptly interrupted me and told me that he would take it from there. For the rest of the class, he acted like I wasn’t there and I had to stand in the class and not say a word. I felt mortified and had to leave so halfway throughout class, I left and lied to the front desk. I said that I had a headache and had to leave. It seemed like she knew what was going on and wanted to be on my side. In a nutshell, she implied knowing about his character and encouraged me to finish because I had spent so much money on becoming a teacher. I listened to her and went back in. I sat in a corner and I held back my tears till the class was done .

After it was done, I wrote a long e-mail to the teacher-trainer co-ordinator about what happened and she called me. I didn’t fill her in about how I had felt inappropriate behaviour from my mentor but I let her know what had happened when I was meant to teach the class. The conversation ended with her basically telling me that I need to work on my self confidence, let go of my issues with men and learn how to deal with males who will push my boundaries. After I got off the phone, I clearly knew that I couldn’t trust them.

I proceeded to teach for them and take my mentor issue into my own hands. The following time that he came up to me and touched me during class, I went up to him after class and I told him to never touch me again because it made me feel uncomfortable. He responded to me with shock and tried to make it seem like it was me who had the issue. However, at that point, I was so fed up with him that I didn’t care what he thought of me and what would happen to me after that.

As a result of this encounter, I made a promise to myself that I would always speak up if I felt compromised or violated. If not for me, then for the other women and girls who are behind me because it could happen to them, too.

This experience taught me that some people are messengers and nobody deserves to be idolized. He is human. He was a big piece of my path to becoming a teacher but I did the work, I literally fought against obstacles to become a teacher and no one can take that from me- not even the person who claims that they are the reason why I became a teacher in the first place.

Everyone is a teacher. Sometimes, our best teachers are people who are examples of how we shouldn’t behave and that it is up to every single one of us to hold one another accountable when respect, kindness and morality is being threatened.

Walk into 2018 with these four empowering mantras.

Image by Getty Images

Image by Getty Images

I’m not sure about you, but 2017 was a challenging year for me.Although I am grateful for the character building characteristics of being challenged; a little ease and positivity after it most certainly feels good.




As a firm-believer of affirmations and manifestations, it is important to keep ourselves motivated and empowered regardless of what happens to us.


We said goodbye to 2017 and now let’s welcome 2018 with love and assurance that our best days are ahead of us, with these mantras:


1. I am stronger than my challenges because I am still here.


Regardless of how difficult some things may seem while you are in them. Once they are done, it is clear that you are stronger than them because you are still here and your problems or challenges are not. If they are, I can guarantee you that there will be a moment in time when they won’t be with you anymore.


2. Breathe, believe and succeed.


In my opinion, the equation to a fulfilled life is remaining at peace, believing in yourself , what you love and doing the hard work. It’s important to remain calm because worrying during this process will block your blessings. To be blessed, you must be open to receive your blessings. Negativity and worry only blocks that,


3. There is power in now.


This mantra can be applied to all areas of your life. It can help you practice being in the present moment, it can help you make the most of the moment and it can remind you to live this moment because it will be gone. Choose what it means to you. And, use it to progress this year.
4. Feed your destiny.

I heard this mantra from a sermon by Joel Osteen. In the sermon, he explained that it is easy to go through periods in time that are challenging and to get caught up in being negative; however, feeding your past can only get in your own way. To maximize the potential of your future, use words and energy that positively impact your future and what lies ahead.


🇫🇷Marcher en 2018 avec ces quatre mantras habilitants.

Je ne suis pas sûr de vous, mais 2017 a été une année difficile pour moi.Bien que je suis reconnaissant pour les caractéristiques de construction du personnage d'être contesté; un peu de facilité et de positivité après tout cela se sent certainement bien. En tant que fervent défenseur des affirmations et des manifestations, il est important de rester motivé et responsabilisé indépendamment de ce qui nous arrive.

Nous avons dit au revoir à 2017 et maintenant accueillons 2018 avec amour et assurance que nos meilleurs jours sont devant nous, avec ces mantras:


1. Je suis plus fort que mes défis parce que je suis toujours là.

Indépendamment de la difficulté que certaines choses peuvent sembler pendant que vous êtes dedans. Une fois qu'ils ont terminé, il est clair que vous êtes plus fort qu'eux parce que vous êtes toujours là et que vos problèmes ou vos défis ne le sont pas. Si c'est le cas, je peux vous garantir qu'il y aura un moment où ils ne seront plus avec vous.


2.Respirez croyez et réussissez.

À mon avis, l'équation d'une vie accomplie reste en paix, en croyant en soi-même, en ce que vous aimez et en faisant le dur labeur. Il est important de rester calme car s'inquiéter pendant ce processus bloquera vos bénédictions. Pour être béni, vous devez être ouvert à recevoir vos bénédictions. La négativité et l'inquiétude ne font que bloquer cela.


3. Il y a du pouvoir maintenant.

Ce mantra peut être appliqué à tous les domaines de votre vie. Il peut vous aider à vous entraîner dans le moment présent, il peut vous aider à profiter au maximum du moment et vous rappeler de vivre ce moment car il sera parti. Choisissez ce que cela signifie pour vous. Et, utilisez-le pour progresser cette année.


4. Nourrissez votre destin.

 J'ai entendu ce mantra d'un sermon par Joel Osteen. Dans le sermon, il a expliqué qu'il est facile de traverser des périodes difficiles et de se laisser prendre au piège de la négativité; cependant, nourrir votre passé ne peut que vous suivre à votre façon. Pour maximiser le potentiel de votre avenir, utilisez des mots et de l'énergie qui ont un impact positif sur votre avenir et sur ce qui vous attend.


🇨🇮Caminar hacia 2018 con cuatro mantras de empoderamiento.


No estoy seguro de ti, pero 2017 fue un año desafiante para mí. Aunque estoy agradecido por las características de construcción del carácter de ser desafiado; un poco de facilidad y positividad después de que se sienta bien.

Como firme creyente de afirmaciones y manifestaciones, es importante mantenernos motivados y con poder independientemente de lo que nos suceda. Nos despedimos de 2017 y ahora recibamos 2018 con amor y seguridad de que nuestros mejores días nos esperan, con estos mantras:


1. Soy más fuerte que mis desafíos porque todavía estoy aquí.

Independientemente de cuán difíciles pueden parecer algunas cosas mientras estás en ellas. Una vez que terminan, está claro que usted es más fuerte que ellos porque todavía está aquí y sus problemas o desafíos no lo están. Si lo son, te puedo garantizar que habrá un momento en el que ya no estarán contigo.


2. Respira, cree y triunfa.

En mi opinión, la ecuación para una vida plena es permanecer en paz, creer en ti mismo, lo que amas y hacer el trabajo duro. Es importante mantener la calma porque preocuparse durante este proceso bloqueará tus bendiciones. Para ser bendecido, debes estar abierto para recibir tus bendiciones. La negatividad y la preocupación solo bloquean eso,


3. Hay poder ahora.

Este mantra se puede aplicar a todas las áreas de tu vida. Puede ayudarte a practicar el estar en el momento presente, puede ayudarte a aprovechar al máximo el momento y puede recordarte vivir este momento porque ya no estará. Elija lo que significa para usted. Y úsala para progresar este año.


4. Alimenta tu destino.

Escuché este mantra de un sermón de Joel Osteen. En el sermón, explicó que es fácil atravesar períodos en el tiempo que son desafiantes y quedar atrapado en ser negativo; sin embargo, alimentar su pasado solo puede ponerse a su manera. Para maximizar el potencial de su futuro, use palabras y energía que tengan un impacto positivo en su futuro y en lo que le espera.