
3 Things that I wish I’d known about anger before I became an adult.

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I have spent a lot of time being angry. In retrospect, who knows if it was warranted or not; however, I do know that most of my anger was a waste of my time. I’m not saying that being angry isn’t natural; however, I am also saying that the mindset of someone who is angry is limited because when we are angry, our focus is like a bull with a red target and we forget to appreciate what is around us. 

Over the years, I have learnt how to calmly my anger down or acknowledge it and then move forward from it. 
Here are 3 things I wish I’d known about anger before I became an adult: 

1. Don’t let anger get in the way of your future. 

My teenage years and early twenties were spent being angry and full of rage. Even though, for the most part, I perceived myself to be happy and put well together, I had a lot of inner anger. Now that I have grown, I can sum up being angry as a result of how I felt I was treated by men. In my mind, I was a victim and therefore I had a right to be angry at how men had treated me throughout my life. 

Little did I know is that all that anger was only hurting me. 8 years ago, I decided to leave my anger behind because I noticed how it was self-inflicted and stopping me from achieving anything valuable in my life. Once I released my anger, I noticed a big shift in my life. I went from being a perpetual victim to a victor and took a stand in the right direction towards healing and forgiveness. 

2. Anger triggers our bodies’ stress receptors. I am a yoga teacher and spiritual guide. What I have learnt in myself and others is that being angry releases stress receptors into our bodies and creates inflammation which internally has tremendous negative effects on our health.

One of the foundations of yoga is calming the body down to unify it with our mind and soul. I noticed that anger stopped me from unifying my body and took it out of its natural state: well-being. When we are at peace, our bodies can do what they are meant to do without being bombarded by fear and anger.

 3. The best way to have control is to be at peace about something. One of the most fundamental turning points of when I was in my twenties is when I decided to stop blaming men for the reason why my relationships had not been working out. You see, I had adopted the toxic female ideology that all men are bad and it created deep anger within me and it blocked any man coming into my life because I was convinced that all were bad.

So even if a good and wholesome man entered my life, I was stuck on being angry and dating men who triggered this emotion in me. After this moment of realization, I have had my angry moments yes! However, I can feel my anger arise and choose if I want to partake in it or not. Sometimes anger is useful but being angry all the time is not the direction of where I want my life to be in. I want to aim for peace and surrender so that I can leave situations knowing that there is only so much I can do and I leave the rest up to God. 

9 Things I am learning.

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Image from Unsplash

One of the biggest things that I have to admit as an adult is how we have been conditioned to think a certain way. Which becomes evident when someone who doesn’t think like the masses voices their opinion. They are often met with rage, judgement and criticism. It is very un-necessary. 

Although I haven’t always acted on this, I believe in individualism and critical thinking because what works for you might not work for another. Im Western society, we have the choice to empower ourselves with our thoughts and actions. Sometimes we forget that. 

I have been learning many things but here are just 9 of them: 

1. What is right for me doesn’t need to be approved by someone else. 

2. It is up to me to get what I need done. 

3. Waiting on another person to see me or validate me is a waste of time. 

4. Reacting to a negative person gives the other person power. 

5. Not everyone understands the value of peace. 

6. Growth is always possible. I just have to take it step-by-step. 

7. Sometimes health is physical effort, yes! But, sometimes it is letting go of people who have allowed poison and fear to control them. 

8. Trust what you know. Not what has been forced down your throat. 

9. We can only reach our full potential by healing from the inside out. 

9 Affirmations that I remind myself when I see another woman succeed.

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Image from Unsplash

I used to be very insecure and being confident in my own skin has not come easily. In fact, it has been one of the most challenging that I have to embrace because, in general, we are not raised to be at peace with ourselves. It is a societal condition to look at what someone has, looks or has done as better than yours. This thinking is toxic. My insecurity was so bad that it became unbearable to see other women succeed when I was insecure because I felt like if they did well; I wasn’t able to succeed too. 

I understand now that when someone else does well, it is a chance for me to celebrate them and me. It has taken me years and practice. And, I wish that I could credit it to one specific thing; however, it has been an holistic approach to wanting to be love and embody love. I have seen how jealousy, insecurity and envy has created destruction in my life and others- each day I choose to embrace confidence and inner confidence so that I can be at peace. 

Yes, I have come a long way. Here are 9 affirmations that I remember when another woman does well: 

1. Sometimes winning is being happy for someone else. 

2. There is enough for everyone. 

3. If she can do it, so can I. Vice versa.

4. Being together in peace is better than being separated by insecurity and hate. 

5. I won’t always be at the top and number 1. I am not meant to be. 

6. I want to compete for fun; not for self-destruction and misery. 

7. Recognizing someone else’s power helps me see my own. 

8. There is power in praising someone else’s work and what they have achieved. 

9. It feels good to be happy for myself and for others. We are all connected.

What it took to get to me- January 2020

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It took me knowing that I am love 

To get to me

It took me acknowledging that I am a co-creator in my life

To get to me

It took me giving myself what I was expecting others to give me

To get to me

It took me working everyday to be the change that I want to see

To get to me

It took me speaking up for myself

To get to me

It took me detaching judgement and regret from my emotions 

To get to me

It took me embracing my inner shine

To get to me

It took me not taking things personally

To get to me

It took me looking at the bigger picture

To get to me

It took me allowing myself to glow from the inside-out

To get to me

It took me creating healthy boundaries 

To get to me

12 Things that I know for sure.

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Image from Unsplash

Although I haven’t met Oprah, I have been inspired by a lot of her work. I don’t believe in being a fan of someone that I don’t know; however, I am grateful for what she has done for the world and how she made spirituality more accessible and understandable to the mainstream across all borders. 

Oprah has a segment in her show, What I know for sure. Which has often inspired me to think about what I have learnt in my life. As a form of gratitude towards her and a celebration of what I have learnt, here are 12 things that I know for sure:

1. Each moment is too precious to be spend on negativity. 

2. Sometimes it takes mistakes to learn exactly where to go. 

3. Growth requires work and persistence. 

4. I can spend my life competing with others and be miserable or I can compete with my former self and thrive. 

5. Sometimes spiritual teachers and leaders show us how to not behave. 

6. Intuition is one of the most valuable assets that I will ever have in this lifetime. 

7. Some people will try to steal your light but it is up to you if you will let them or not. 

8. Listen to someone’s words about themselves and you’re listening to a story; look at someone’s actions and you are understanding their truth. 

9. There is enough for all of us. The idea that there can only be one (at the top) is a construct that was created to keep people divided.

10. I will only be at my full potential by accepting myself, loving myself and standing in my truth. 

11. Happiness is a moment; however, peace is a constant that you can always acquire within. 

12. Abundance is about forgiveness, acceptance, unconditional love, peace, manifesting and being in alignment with The Divine. 

Los lados oscuros y claros de todos los signos del zodiaco.

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La astrología es una herramienta maravillosa que nos ayuda a comprender los fundamentos de la naturaleza de alguien. Se basa en la alineación del universo y los planetas. Y, se dice que es la primera forma de ciencia antigua. Siempre he tenido una conexión con la astrología porque soy un Acuario y he pasado mucha vida siendo malentendido. Me conecto profundamente con la descripción de mi signo solar. Sin embargo, todos tenemos una carta natal completa que consta de muchos factores diferentes que hacen a todos diferentes y crean nuestro propio plan. Este artículo trata sobre los signos solares que se representan a través de nuestro Ego, con el que la mayoría de nosotros nos identificamos. Realmente creo que no existe un signo positivo o negativo, todos los signos tienen positividades y negatividades. Nuestra luz y nuestra oscuridad. Para brillar como seres individuales, necesitamos trabajar en nuestro lado oscuro y ser conscientes de cómo podríamos estar contribuyendo negativamente al universo para que podamos cambiar nuestra perspectiva y comportamiento en un resultado positivo. Estos son los aspectos claros y oscuros de cada signo solar del zodiaco:

Aries: Luz: energía fresca y explosiva.

Oscuro: necesita competir y ser el número uno para salir adelante.

Tauro: Luz: estable y con objetivos. Oscuro: pensar en blanco y negro con dificultad para ver otra perspectiva.

Geminis: Luz: Creativa y mental en las nubes. Oscuro: egocéntrico y falta de estabilidad.

Cáncer: Luz: nutrir a sus seres queridos. Oscuro: manipulativo y defensivo.

León: Luz: líder natural.

Oscuro: Seguir a otros e incapacidad para trabajar en equipo.

Virgo: Luz: Conducido y orientado al trabajo. Oscuro: evita la interacción humana.

Libra: Luz: encantador y enfocado en la atracción física.
Oscuro: Carece de conexión a tierra y manejo.

Escorpión: Luz: Naturalmente espiritual y capaz de manifestarse.

Oscuro: Tendencia a usar tácticas vengativas y pensar que el mundo está en contra de ellos.

Sagitario: Luz: explorador aventurero y natural. Oscuro: falta de dirección. En necesidad de estabilidad.

Capricornio: Luz: Conducido y estable. Oscuro: Consumido con trabajo hasta el punto de agotamiento.

Acuario: Luz: excéntrica y única.

Oscuro: pensando que están por encima de otras personas y que necesitan un falso sentido de valor.

Piscis: Luz: intuitiva y sabia por naturaleza. Oscuro: hastiado y manipulador.

I accept my invitation into The Beautiful Journey of Life. 


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I accept my invitation to The Beautiful Journey of Life.
I accept that we have flaws and are often times vulnerable to hurtful situations. The Beautiful Journey that I have been invited to reminds me that I choose to whom I will allow myself to be vulnerable.

I accept that we find ourselves wanting things from people that are not able to give it to us. The Beautiful Journey that I have been invited to, over time, introduces me to someone out of the six billion people alive who is gladly willing to do so.

I accept that from time-to-time someone will not agree with me. Someone will have an opinion that contradicts mine. The Beautiful Journey that I have been invited to considers an opposing opinion because the truth is the truth. However, perspective hinders or changes it. We are all allowed to share our version of events.

I accept that we are all able to be angry at something/ someone. The Beautiful Journey that I have been invited to acknowledges that emotions pass. They tell you stories of moods. The only thing that matters is what you choose for them to leave behind.

I accept that some people are not tolerant of others because of something that they have done or how they look. The Beautiful Journey that I have been invited to does not forget that we all feel the same pain. We are born the same, laugh the same and want to be considered just like others.

I accept my invitation to this Journey. Will you join me?

I ask you to join me because a Journey where 'bad' and 'good' scenarios are harmonized is a chance for you to be at your best. Yes, it is relieving to know that there is kindness in This World. However, challenge is often worn victoriously.

In this Journey, nothing is an obligation. However, situations are sent to you to question what you want and how you will survive.

Accept my invitation to a Journey that allows you to make a choice between healthy and unhealthy decisions. In this journey we embrace the power of consequence.